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didntseeit May 5 2007, 04:10:07 UTC
One brother, she knows. Well. Met, once, months ago. The other, well.

...don't mind the mild oogling.


gavemea_45 May 5 2007, 04:22:36 UTC
It's been a while -- a long while, and it takes him a second, but eventually he places her.

"Hey, Dean."

Sam lifts his beer bottle, half-hiding his muttered words.

"There's a federal agent watching you."


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 04:25:08 UTC

Dean lifts his own bottle, taking a swig.

"Thought there was no business here, Sammy-boy."

He might be glancing around to see who might want to fry his ass today, though.

Just a little.


didntseeit May 5 2007, 04:28:41 UTC
Certainly not the Mexican woman (currently with a bruised lower lip, but she's ignoring it). Frying isn't on the agenda. Actually, nothing much IS, really.

"Hey Sam," she calls out.


gavemea_45 May 5 2007, 04:29:52 UTC
"Let's hope not. I don't know if we're from the same world, anyway."

He turns around, smiling.

"Hey, Beatriz. Long time."


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 04:46:02 UTC
"You know this clown?"

Dean jerks his head over at Sam, grinning at Beatriz.


Sam, you dog.

[ooc: Given the number of threads we've got, in order to avoid uberslow, you up for keeping the tagging order we've got here? *puppyeyes* Thanks.]


didntseeit May 5 2007, 04:48:16 UTC
[ooc: no, it's fine! I got a little confused - lack of sleep. I'll be good now.]

"We've met before, then he vanished on me. Tragic." A quick grin to Sam, just joking


gavemea_45 May 5 2007, 05:08:22 UTC
He shrugs, with a sheepish grin.

"Works out that way sometimes around here, so I've heard. Good to see you again, though."


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 05:09:59 UTC
Dean smacks Sam on the shoulder.


"Not just here. Though damn, but the beer is good."


didntseeit May 5 2007, 05:14:26 UTC
(To Sam) "Same here." She gets up from her table and walks over, offering Dean her hand (bruises on the knuckles, someone's been fighting).

"If you haven't guessed, I'm Beatriz. Nice to meet you."


gavemea_45 May 5 2007, 05:32:17 UTC
Sam plants an elbow in Dean's ribs, then looks back at Beatriz-- taking note of her bruised lip and bruised hand.

"Um. You okay?"


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 05:34:12 UTC
Dean winces, reaching out to shake the federal chick's hand.

"Dean. Good to meet you, too."


didntseeit May 5 2007, 05:37:06 UTC
She shakes his hand, and then glances at Sam in mild confusion.

"Huh? Oh!" She rubs her jaw. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just sparring with a kid before, and he was quicker then I though he'd be."


gavemea_45 May 5 2007, 05:51:36 UTC

It's understanding.

"I know how that goes."


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 06:01:41 UTC
Dean's smile is a little wry, but he looks Ajedrez over assessingly.

"Yeah. Me, too."


didntseeit May 5 2007, 06:06:25 UTC
She's not tall, but not short either: 5'6, with a stocky build but she's fit. She gives them a crooked smile at the understanding, rubbing her jaw again before her hands drops.

It'll bruise.

"So, your road-trip going okay?"

She doesn't really believe that's just what they are doing, but she's naturally suspicious of innocent motives.


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