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prydeful May 5 2007, 03:12:36 UTC
A dragon is stalking past on rather small feet. (It's a rather small dragon.)

Someone is sulking.

"Watch your feet," someone else who is less purple says absently as she watches him storm over to a chair not facing her. "He's more inclined to flame when he's cranky."

Cue dragon pausing to glare at her and stick his tongue out.

Cue mutant snorting in response. "Which he's obviously not at all tonight."


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 03:15:21 UTC
Dean looks down.

His eyebrows go way up.

"Dude, is that--?"

Dude. It's like a little portable flamethrower.



gavemea_45 May 5 2007, 03:18:19 UTC
Sam just stares at the dragon for a second, then gives the girl a startled look.

"Um. What-- is he a dragon?"

A beat.

"Your dragon?"


prydeful May 5 2007, 03:20:31 UTC
"...Unless someone's not telling me something he's a dragon, yep," she grins. "And I guess he's mine as much as anyone's. His name's Lockheed."


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 03:24:13 UTC
Dean looks up, grinning.

It makes him look like a little kid.

"How much flame we talkin' about here?"


prydeful May 5 2007, 03:30:51 UTC
She grins back.

"Depends how angry or protective he is. At his worst? He kinda incinerated a room of Sidri aliens." It's very affectionate.

Lockheed is still sulking for the record, but there is a hint of pride in his sulk now!


gavemea_45 May 5 2007, 03:35:52 UTC
This gets the dragon a second, much more assessing look.

"Okay then."

Sam shrugs, and smiles at her.

"I guess we should get on good terms, then-- I'd hate for him to go feeling all protective."

A beat.

"I'm Sam."


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 03:41:55 UTC
"I'm Dean."

His attention is taken up by the purple dragon.

"Dude. Aliens? Damn, that'd come in all kinds of handy."

He wants one now.



prydeful May 5 2007, 03:45:32 UTC
"Kate. He's a handy sort of dragon who doesn't need beer," and that's very deliberate and cheerful. "He can take care of a few things. Though not aliens all that often these days."


gavemea_45 May 5 2007, 03:50:36 UTC
"Don't even think about it," he mutters to Dean, out of the corner of his mouth.

"Nice to meet you, Kate."

Wait for it...

"Does he like beer?"


prydeful May 5 2007, 03:55:00 UTC
"Name a vice," and it's wry, "and he likes it. Fire breather and alcohol aren't so much the greatest of combos, though, and I like my bunk unburned, thanks. Plus fire's a bitch to phase through. He'll sulk for a few hours and get over it."


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 04:00:44 UTC

If possible, Dean's grin is even wider.

"That's my kinda dragon."

The size helps.

A lot.


gavemea_45 May 5 2007, 04:17:58 UTC
"No, it's not."

Sam's tone is firm.

"You can't have a dragon, Dean."


prydeful May 5 2007, 04:19:52 UTC
"Actually, I think there are two in need of a home," she offers helpfully.

And very innocently.

"They're very loyal and protective creatures."


hopeitsworthit May 5 2007, 04:27:56 UTC
Dean grins at Sammy, as if to say 'see? Useful, Sam'.

"Man, I would jump at that, maybe. Even with all the firebreathing."

Maybe especially with the firebreathing.

"But I don't think one of 'em'd like living in the Impala."

Sam is a killjoy, is what he is.

Freaking giant.


prydeful May 5 2007, 04:30:10 UTC

"No unless," wryly, "you stopped frequently enough to let it, uh, practice. Maybe if they were older."

Sorry, Alanna, she tried.

"You travel a lot, then?"


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