Ton's walking over to the Bar to get a drink when he spots the lab coat folded over the chair. He pauses--ever so briefly--before continuing on his way, grabbing a cup of caf, and dropping ino the chair between the doc and the labcoat.
"Nice coat. Had one for a while. Picked a new career."
A shrug. "Preferred to try to shoot down people I hated."
He sips at his own caf and extends a hand--a prosthetic hand. "Name's Ton Phanan--pilot, wit, superior intellect, any other titles you wish to bestow fit too. You?"
"Robert Chase," he returns, taking the man's hand for a moment. Prosthetic hand, too. Hmm. This intrigues him. Not that he's going to say anything about it though -- it's not really his style.
"Shooting down people you hate?" Chase picks up his coffee and takes a sip instead. "Quite the career change."
"Yeah, but a lot more fun." He shrugs, and taps the prosthetic side of his face. "Besides, I owed some folks a few favors. Best way I could think of to return them."
Ton's walking over to the Bar to get a drink when he spots the lab coat folded over the chair. He pauses--ever so briefly--before continuing on his way, grabbing a cup of caf, and dropping ino the chair between the doc and the labcoat.
"Nice coat. Had one for a while. Picked a new career."
Ah, tact.
"Really," he says. "Why?"
He sips at his own caf and extends a hand--a prosthetic hand. "Name's Ton Phanan--pilot, wit, superior intellect, any other titles you wish to bestow fit too. You?"
"Shooting down people you hate?" Chase picks up his coffee and takes a sip instead. "Quite the career change."
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