
Apr 23, 2007 23:23

[OOM: Everything goes to plan for Gara Petothel and Talon Squadron is dead.]

This wasn't the 'fresher...but it would do.

Maybe she'd have a celebratory drink. She did just rack up points for a successful mission plotted out.

She settles for water though.


gara petothel, oom, myn donos

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last_talon April 24 2007, 03:29:41 UTC
Myn is sitting two stools away from the young lady when she sits down. He looks up stiffly, briefly, at the new arrival, blinks a couple of times, and stares back into his glass.

This may be as close to a greeting as Myn can remember how to muster right now.


too_far_in April 24 2007, 03:32:16 UTC
She glances over at him, tucking short hair behind her ear. "Bad day?" she ventures, her accent placing her as Imperial...but here, that could mean anything.


last_talon April 24 2007, 03:39:50 UTC
That may be the new understatement of the year. Donos looks over at her and nods in response. "You?"


too_far_in April 24 2007, 03:41:42 UTC
"S'alright. Had better, had worse." She shrugs idly. "I'm sorry you had a bad day. You're doing well though, drownin' your sorrows."

N'aww, this cute woman couldn't totally have blown you up, now could she? (This means you should never listen to comm traffic, Myn. EVER.)


last_talon April 24 2007, 03:45:02 UTC
A shrug. "Have med reports to face when I get back. Can't let them think I was intoxicated while flying a mission gone so wrong."

You know, it appears Myn misplaced that note somewhere. Might have left it in his personal cargo. Along with Face's pocketful of Force.


too_far_in April 24 2007, 03:46:30 UTC
"You're a pilot!" Gara's eyes light up even as she hears the words mission gone so wrong, and it's years of schooling that keeps her face in the happy glee expression of yay pilots.

Her mother would be so proud.

"I always wanted to be a pilot. My parents, however, wanted me to do other things."


last_talon April 24 2007, 03:49:38 UTC
He blinks, blank expression unwavering. "It's not worth it. Whatever you're doing is safer and more satisfying."

Yeah, he's not sure he wants to see a cockpit ever again.


too_far_in April 24 2007, 03:50:09 UTC
This time the expression does slip. "Oh I doubt that." She says primly.


last_talon April 24 2007, 03:51:37 UTC
"Did you just get eleven good men and women killed?" Myn retorts, the lack of heat in his voice possibly more disturbing than if it had been there to begin with.


too_far_in April 24 2007, 03:53:16 UTC

And oh gods she has a bad feeling about this.

"May I ask where you're from?" She needs to know. Because...she feels kind of sick now.


last_talon April 24 2007, 04:02:19 UTC
"I didn't think so." He sips at his water as she changes subjects.

"Corellia. Why?" Myn doesn't mind the switch in topic. He turns a little to face her, belatedly remembering his manners.

The insignia of the New Republic, his rank as Captain--not for long, they'll demote me soon--and the name "DONOS" are prominently sewed on the left side of his orange flightsuit.


too_far_in April 24 2007, 04:03:46 UTC
Shit shit shit shit shit.

"Just wondering. I...er, I grew on Coruscant." She can play this off. She'll be the daughter of some rich upper class citizen tonight. Don't give last names, and never mention being in Intel.


last_talon April 24 2007, 04:15:15 UTC
He nods absently. "Yeah, I was trained there. Not a lot of scenery."

His memories of the academy flash through his mind--meeting his squadmates, the first sim run, his promotion to lieutenant, Wes and Hobbie laughing at--

Wes. Donos' jaw clenches. He didn't warn me...

He blinks, and returns to the conversation at hand. "Sorry. Memories."


too_far_in April 24 2007, 04:18:30 UTC
"Trained...oh right. After the takeover of Coruscant, yes." Gara nods, composing herself. Time to start lying, playing roles is what she does best after all.

"We weren't on planet when that happened, thank gods. I'd hate to be in the middle of all that...we were on vacation. Of course, I'm fine with the Reb--Republic taking it over."

She just gave the order to kill this man's squadron.

She's more terrified right now than she ever has been. That includes the moments with Isard.


last_talon April 24 2007, 04:21:35 UTC
He nods. "I can imagine."

She seems... shaken somehow. He blinks the thought away. She just met a man who led his squadron to the slaughter. She should be shaken.

"Was everything alright when you got home? I heard debris stories..."


too_far_in April 24 2007, 04:24:38 UTC
"Oh yes, everything was fine." She nods, tucking hair behind her ear in a gesture she's never lost. "Just...neighbours shaken up a bit. Especially after Lusankya went up. Good gods, we never knew that was there!"


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