Apr 09, 2007 21:43
Hey, look!
Corran Horn is reshuffling an old sabacc deck for about the 400th time. He could go on forever, but none of us what THAT, now, do we?
Ton Phanan is in a table by the window. He looks like he's preparing to snark at other bored people to amuse himself. He's thought about that Jedi guy from the Rogues shuffling sabacc cards, but anyone with extra powers (that he knows about) seems like it'd be a bad idea to annoy...
As usual, Kell Tainer looks like he's tinkering with something. Ask at your own risk--it could blow up.
And what collection of pilots would be complete without another Corellian walking in as this post is written? Particularly if it's a REALLY nervous-looking Myn Donos?
[OOC:Ping at BlackPhoenixFyre, or just have at! Warnings for connection problems, though...]
ton phanan,
kell tainer,
corran horn,
bonzo madrid,
myn donos,
iella wessiri