(no subject)

Apr 02, 2007 17:25

Here's three people who haven't seen the inside of a bar in a while now...

When they do enter the bar, they're talking animatedly about something. Important. To one of them.

"How can you possibly have lost it?" the woman with the lion asks. "It's never out of your sight."

"Does it matter sister? It's lost. My cloak is lost," moans the sad-faced woman.

"Bewailing its disappearance won't help you get it back," a third voice says. It belongs to someone who is nicely dressed. Someone who's just returned from some formal soiree. Or maybe was dragged from it.

"Well, it makes me feel better," sad-face says.

"Complaining about everything makes you feel better," suit says.

"Now now. We're here to help Misery find her cloak," lion-woman admonishes.

"You can help; I have Duties to attend..," suit says.

"Are you Reversing Wheel? Every time you get like this you start to Reverse."

Wheel glares, then sighs. "All right Strength I'll help."

"Good. Save your Reversal for another time. I hate it when Misery gets upset. Well, more upset than usual anyways..."

...commence search of the bar for Misery's crow-feather cloak...

[Multi-pup post.]
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