(no subject)

Mar 25, 2007 22:58

[OOC: From the New York Public Library.]

It might be immediately obvious that the hour or so that has passed in Milliways feels a considerably longer time to the party as they open the door back into the bar. Havelock, for one, will not be complaining about the bar's lack of variety for quite a while. The assassin gives a cursory glance about before entering, carrying in his arms a very thoroughly unconscious and bloodstained Nita Callahan.

Behind him, Moiraine enters, tired and pale, followed by an anxious Kit and Gavroche, attempting to hold Filif and Ronan up long enough to get inside. All look exhausted, and are sharing more blood and bruising than would indicate an entirely smooth trip.

Havelock heads immediately for the infirmary, without looking to see if the others are following.

nita callahan, ronan nolan, filif, gavroche thenardier, havelock vetinari, oom, moiraine, kit rodriguez

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