First entrance post

Mar 13, 2007 14:47

A door opens to Milliways from the still warm hours of a very late St. Roch, Louisiana night; there is the smell of Arabian jasmine - a Maid of Orleans, to be precise - and stagnant river water, overlayed with a patina reflecting the accumulated detritus of 21st century urban life. Through the doorway, one can see a warmly lit long hallway with a high ceiling, conveying a distinctly Rococo ambience, filled with display cases to either side; an acute eye will note the decor, and conclude rightfully that it is a museum.

A young woman steps through the door purposefully, carrying a dangerous looking flail with a disproportionately large spiked head in her right hand, and two DVDs in plastic cases in her left. The upper half of her face is covered by a striking gold and black mask, forged in the shape of a hawk head. She has an athletic build, and wears a green and yellow top and leggings; her tall boots are red, covered with a gold bas relief of sharp hawk claws on the tips. Her forearms are covered from wrist to elbow with studded gauntlets, lending an archaic flavor to her motley attire.

But perhaps what is most notable are the two large grey wings that seem to grow from her back, almost dwarfing her.

Upon looking up and noticing her surroundings, she stops, of course, and becomes very still.

There is a very soft clink, the sound of the chain of her flail as it moves slightly, and then the sound of two DVDs landing on the floor. Upon closer inspection, they will be duly noted as films, namely Battleship Potemkin and The Third Man.

Milliways, please say hello to Kendra Saunders, better known as Hawkgirl.

Don't mind the flail. Or the mace.

hawkgirl, barbara gordon, xas

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