
Mar 10, 2007 11:03

Tomorrow Suzi is going to Zed's world. Today Suzi is knitting like her life depends on it. Eek. Eeeeek. Eeeeeeeeeeeek.

johnny blaze, belar, suzi darley, tiger (zodiac), john preston

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fathers_cleric March 10 2007, 19:19:31 UTC
There is a figure sitting in the dark looking whistfully out the window. Bar has provided a very big pair of sunglasses, but even then that might not be enough to combat the headache of epic proportions that John Preston is fighting.

He might look familiar. Then again? He might not.


sime_channel March 10 2007, 19:23:28 UTC
Look? No. Zlin?

If the fact that Suzi is now trying to be small enough that she probably won't get hit is any indication, yes. Yes, she recognizes him.


fathers_cleric March 10 2007, 19:26:57 UTC
If it's possible for two people to recognize one another and make a conscience effort to avoid one another-

Preston swallows and adjusts his sunglasses. The nice thing about these is, you can't tell when his eyes move this way and that.

So-while his gaze is still directed at the outside? His eyes are on her.


sime_channel March 10 2007, 19:31:01 UTC
Knitting. Yes. Knitting. LOTS OF KNITTING. With all six sets of needles. Knitting. There is knitting. Meep?

Suzi does not want to get hit again.


fathers_cleric March 10 2007, 19:33:12 UTC
The last thing he wanted to do was scare her.

Raising a hand, Preston starts to get up, "...Ma'am?"

Note how polite and submissive he's being.


sime_channel March 10 2007, 19:35:47 UTC
"Please don't hit me again." She says instead of anything else, looking up at him with big, wide eyes, "I have to go help K tomorrow."


fathers_cleric March 10 2007, 19:39:04 UTC
Preston shakes his head violently, "I-"

"I wouldn't. I shouldn't have. It was wrong. and I am sorry."

Despite those glasses he looks very chagrined and genuinely sorry.


sime_channel March 10 2007, 19:42:23 UTC
"Oh." She says, and then, "I forgive you." Because baselines can't zlin when you forgive them. Poor baselines. She stares at her knitting again.


fathers_cleric March 10 2007, 19:47:48 UTC
Preston breathes deep, ".....I would like to convey my apologies to your-"

Completely unsure of the proper term, he twitches, "Your friend. I made...Unfair judgements based on people who are different. I should...I should have been more openminded."


sime_channel March 10 2007, 19:51:18 UTC
"Lover." She says after a minute, "Yes, you did. He's wonderful. He's smarter and more capable than anyone else I know, and I love him. But I'll tell him that you said sorry." It means a lot to her.


fathers_cleric March 10 2007, 19:58:17 UTC
Preston nods again, "You two are very lucky to have each other."

That seems the proper thing to say doesn't it?

"Please do convey my apologies, I..." His mouth opens. Perhaps Suzi notices certain dental changes?

Then again maybe not, "...That's all."


sime_channel March 10 2007, 20:00:51 UTC
Notice? Yes. Mention? No. She really doesn't want to get hit again, you see. Getting hit is bad. Very bad. Very, very bad.

This means that the conversation is probably dying fast.


fathers_cleric March 10 2007, 20:08:00 UTC
The mun curses herself. Being too sleepy to angst well is a bad thing.

Johnny studies her a moment longer, "....Why are you so anxious?"


sime_channel March 10 2007, 20:10:20 UTC
"Tomorrow I'm going to an interdimensional war to help free K and his people from evil oil." She says in a matter of fact tone, "Richard is going to protect me."


fathers_cleric March 10 2007, 20:15:03 UTC
Preston just stares.

"....Is that a codeword for some sort of militant organization?" His interest is perked, "For or against the government?"


sime_channel March 10 2007, 20:16:02 UTC
"...No. It's oil. And it's evil. And it's trying to destroy all human life." She says slowly, "And Richard isn't a codeword either."


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