(no subject)

Mar 09, 2007 11:56

Wes is Otherwise Occupied.

Gavin isn't exactly sure what this means, but like many things dealing with Wes Janson, he's learned better than to ask.

Well, ask Wes anyway.

The point is, today, when a tall and lanky man in a rather obnoxious cloak displaying images of dancing Wes-es steps behind the bar, it isn't Wes Janson. It's Gavin Darklighter, looking ever so awkward (not to mention clumsy in the cloak) at being here. Cantinas and tapcafes don't exactly teach you how to bar tend, and Wes' crash course in the brothel earlier in the week only left Gavin with a sense of embarrassment for being in the brothel.

So, what's left? Following Wes' instructions, of course. Which is why the Specials sign has a nice (okay, horribly drawn) picture of an Ewok smiling at you, with the words Lomin Ale and Lum to the side written in shaky English that probably took a whole ten minutes to write.

And now, Gavin has nothing else to do but turn to Milliways and smile, awkwardly, as the Wes-es on the cape continue to dance.

[ooc: mun here till about 3 pm EST when she flees for class and to pick up Wes-mun from the bus station!]

bartending, inyri forge, atton rand, corran horn, gavin darklighter

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