Hey Milliways - nice ass!

Feb 19, 2007 14:40

Stephen's first reaction was to be admirably impressed by the obvious care that had been taken in extending and renovating up this restroom. He had long complained about the facilities in this building, and all to no avail, so it was gratifying to see his demands had at last been carried through. And not only in terms of space, no: The men's room had received a complete and very creative makeover, having been dressed up to reflect the inside of a bar, obviously in some clever attempt to engage patrons and make them feel at home as they relieved themselves.

The attention to detail was amazing. The bar atmosphere had been captured perfectly, right down to the tables, chairs, alcohol and bathroom attendants charmingly dressed up as staff. Some patrons, mellowed by the relaxed atmosphere of the restroom, had even paused on their way out to have a drink or a meal. What a brilliant idea!

The pundit was just scanning the walls in search of the urinals when he made a truly shocking discovery: The door through which he'd arrived had vanished!

In vain he searched, scrabbling against the bare space of wall that had previously held a door, but it was gone, gone! Desperately, he pushed past the other patrons, seeking an exit, a sign, anything--! Alas, his toe caught on a shoe that had been left carelessly lying around on somebody's foot and he was sent sprawling. He landed on his hands and knees right in front of the End of the Universe.

Slowly, Stephen looked up.

Naturally, he did what any reasonable man in his situation would do. He screamed like a little girl.

jack o'neill, she-hulk, matt albie, stephen colbert, raven, sunny baudelaire, nathan petrelli, danny tripp, kira clemens

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