
Feb 04, 2007 15:05


Jet's realized this place is a little... odd.

Because most of the bar's patrons are made of felt now. This is strange, but enjoyable. Cause, y' know. THey're all kind of funny looking and Jet could use a laugh right now. So that's what he's doing. Watching felt people flop around the bar and stuff? It gets a chuckle here and there.

katara, jet

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allican_do February 4 2007, 22:47:32 UTC
Katara would be chuckling a lot more if she could see the Zuko-puppet. But, alas, she has not had the pleasure of bumping into him yet and thinks he's still in their world.

Anyway, here's Jet's sorta-kinda-girl, hopping down the stairs. Not hopping because she's particularly cheerful about anything, oh no - Katara is hopping to avoid stepping on the felt people who are attempting to go up the stairs. It's why she doesn't notice her sorta-kinda-boy at the bar.

"Sorry-- whoops, sorry! Excuse me, ah! Careful!"


atanycost February 4 2007, 22:49:45 UTC
"Hey," says her kinda-sorta-boy. He welcomes her with a definite-actual-smirk and then says, "Sort of like wadin' through a toy-maker's, only ... y' know... the toys are walkin' around."


allican_do February 4 2007, 22:52:09 UTC
"And they try to hit you when you step on them-- oh, there's no way that really hurt, get off my leg!"

Katara has had more patient days before.

Eventually, though, she does brave through the Sea of Puppets and seek haven on a barstool beside Jet, giving him a smile and-- isn't really sure what to do next. Oh, she liked kissing him - very much so - but this is still all so new, and she's still not totally sure that what they're doing is right, and he didn't want to kiss her before, out in the woods...

So he gets a pretty Katara smile while she hides from puppets on her stool.



atanycost February 4 2007, 22:59:05 UTC
A hand brushes her shoulder; as she gets up on her chair, but that's all. He's -- not certain about anything, anymore -- so startnig something he can't finish doesn't sit well with him.

So he seems to just be here.

"So does this sort of thing happen often?"


allican_do February 4 2007, 23:01:35 UTC
Sure, now it doesn't sit well.

Then again, Katara nearly radiates a heartbubble or two with that brush of her shoulder, smiling more gently at him. "Um... yeah, I guess. I mean, more often than it ever would have at home. It can be really weird, too - this isn't too bad, since everyone's still got their own minds, but just a little while ago, there was some kind of food that made everyone act really strange."

Of course, Katara's only heard about the tofu and never really connected it to Mel. But whatever!


atanycost February 4 2007, 23:11:31 UTC
Hey, he had time to think about it from her perspective. And realized she was right. Go figure.

"so I should watch what I eat?" Jet asks, brow arched. "Or is this -- sort of like a cold. You just either get it or you don't?"


allican_do February 4 2007, 23:13:44 UTC
"...I don't really know," Katara admits after a minute, looking a little suspiciously around at the other patrons. "I wasn't here for it. Everything's temporary, though, so you don't have to worry about that. Even this toy thing will wear off.

"Until then, um... just see what everyone else is eating before you do?"


atanycost February 4 2007, 23:26:23 UTC
"Well, I had a big breakfast with Makita today, so I'm not felt... and she ain't felt... so that's something, right?" Jet says with a grin.


allican_do February 4 2007, 23:28:16 UTC
Grinning back at him, Katara nods. "It's a good something. Is Makita new, too?"


atanycost February 4 2007, 23:31:42 UTC
"Yeah. 'nother fighter from another world," he says. "Nice girl. Shit circumstances." He empathizes.


allican_do February 4 2007, 23:34:06 UTC
Katara? Momentarily jealous? Just at the mere mention of a 'nice girl' who is 'another fighter'?

No, never.


"...That's too bad. Is she liking it here?"


atanycost February 4 2007, 23:38:37 UTC
Funny -- Jet, if asked, could easily say he wasn't at all interested or attracted. It'd be a slick little lie, but...

All the same, he could say it.

"Seems to. She comes and goes. There's a war on where she is," he replies. Are all the jealousy dominos falling into place yet, Katara?


allican_do February 4 2007, 23:40:52 UTC
Every. Last. One.

"Oh," is said easily and she straightens on her stool, suddenly less comfortable there beside him. "Is she okay? --No, that's a stupid question, if there's a war."

Of course, Katara and Sokka and Aang and Toph were, occasionally, okay. Sometimes more than okay!


atanycost February 4 2007, 23:45:20 UTC
"Looks a little skinny this time 'round. Saw her to breakfast, but lost her after that." He's got his own caretaking instincts, too. But he smiles at her -- disarming, easy, still interested in her.

He is not so blind as to not notice that she is, in fact, jealous. "So what about you? New friends here? I ain't met many here." C'mon. Play the game. Make him jealous.


allican_do February 4 2007, 23:48:03 UTC
"I meet a lot of people, but I'm in and out so often, there's only a few I really make friends with," Katara admits, totally missing the point of making him jealous, looking out at the little felt people milling around. "You already met Steph - she's wonderful. Oh, and Mike, too - he danced with me."


atanycost February 4 2007, 23:50:12 UTC
"Did he?"

Congratulations, game played if by accident. Jet's brows go up, and he looks ... less then pleased about this Mike guy and his sort of girl. The dominos fall both ways, after all.

"Hnnh. Steph seemed nice, if hung up on a guy," he says. "She said a lot."

About that guy. And what he was worth.


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