
Feb 02, 2007 21:43

When you've been at the lycanthropy game long enough, you eventually get to the point of knowing exactly when and where you've got to be well before moonrise. Wells makes a habit, at home, of being away from human habitation an hour and a half beforetime. It's a ltitle chancier here, though- especially since he's taken on the job of keeping an eye ( Read more... )

puppet plot, captain ryan, sergeant wells, kira clemens

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captainryan February 3 2007, 03:14:25 UTC
The black wolf's drifting towards the Bar, but only because the rabbit trail he's following does. He ate a lot today before the change (he thought it a good idea after last night), but that doesn't do much for after it and rabbit sounds like it would hit just the spot.

Even if they do taste like motor fuel.


milkbonesoldier February 3 2007, 03:20:05 UTC
Which is all right, as the grey werewolf recognises the rabbit smell. Not that he's not keeping a very close watch, but this doesn't feel like a situation that's going to go pear-shaped any time soon.

(How little he knows.)


captainryan February 3 2007, 03:31:08 UTC
And so quickly, too.

One demon rabbit bolts from his hiding place and the black werewolf shoots after it, not far behind.

And then, in the middle of a leap, there's a shift.

Foam teeth and claws are gripping the rabbit's red fur and doing absolutely no damage to it. It seems to be much larger now, as well. The black releases it, very confused. How did the rabbit get so big?

He completely misses the down-right evil glint in the bunny's eye as it sees the form the predator has taken. It dashes a few metres away and jack hammers its hind leg against the frozen ground. The sound carries easily on the still winter air.

This can't be good.


milkbonesoldier February 3 2007, 03:37:28 UTC
-the fuck? Where did the smell go? No, seriously, there's no scent of the other werewolf anywhere. Where did he go?

The grey werewolf stops in his tracks, ears swiveling one way then another. And then the rabbit starts thumping, so he looks that way-

Oh, this can't be good.


captainryan February 3 2007, 03:49:19 UTC
The black werewolf is soft! And cuddly! There's almost a werewolf giggle at this, but little glowing eyes are starting to appear everywhere in the foliage. Well, little to the grey werewolf, but to the black they're quite large. The fact that he is small and soft and cuddly is not helping this any as he realizes something bad is happening here.

He growls at the massing rabbits, baring foam teeth, ears plastered against his head, but that only seems to encourage them. Evil little rabbit grins are shining through the darkness, and some are already spitting fire at him.

He's not stupid. He bolts, heading straight for the grey werewolf and most likely past and to the Bar.

The rabbits aren't far behind.


milkbonesoldier February 3 2007, 03:58:08 UTC
Fucking hell that's weird. And dangerous- there's hordes of rabbits everywhere all of a sudden-

He's got a split second in which to decide what he's going to do, and frankly, the suddenly tiny werewolf with no smell worth mentioning is the least of his worries. Those rabbits have got to go.

The fur and fire is going to fly tonight!


scaredbybook February 3 2007, 04:28:22 UTC
This is Kira!

Fortunately for all concerned, Kira is lost. How did she get lost? Don't ask. Why did she get lost? . . . well, she wanted to find the fox and talk to it about being a fox.

Anyway, she's fully convinced she's not far from the Bar at all, so she's somewhat appalled to see lights in the distance. A pair of demon bunnies stroll by, one chuckling darkly to the other as it wraps a piece of something dark and tufted over its paw. Kira freezes until they've passed and heads onward.

Wow, the bushes get thick in this direction!


captainryan February 3 2007, 04:38:56 UTC
When there are hordes of demon bunnies chasing you, not even a full fledged nonpuppet werewolf can stop them all. The black werewolf's feet are getting soggy and wet, slowing him down, but he's still running for all he's worth.

Still, the rabbits have caught him a few times and he's leaking stuffing from several gashes. Panting heavily, he pushes through the bushes and slams into something hard enough to fall.

Looking up in terror, he lows desperately to the tall human as the rabbits push through the bushes after him.


scaredbybook February 3 2007, 04:47:18 UTC
The rustling noise in the bushes actually is a rabbit, this time. And that's the problem. Kira, helpful superheroine that she is, has frozen in fear.

But. Something needs her help. If it weren't for her experience with the fox the day before, Kira probably would have run from it already. But she grabs it up--woah, it's light--as she uncaps the little glass bottle in her pocket. She throws the rare and expensive spell ingredient out onto the snow in an arc between herself and the bunnies.

Most of it promptly gets snow-soggy and fails to do anything, but there is a brief puff and a small cloud of steam and snowflakes. Kira has not paused to assess how successful it was. She's started running.

She pauses at the edge of the woods to examine her find. Hello?


captainryan February 3 2007, 04:53:27 UTC
He's buried his head against her arm, whimpering. The rabbits were scary! They wanted to eat him!

When she's stopped running, he pulls his head up and glances around cautiously. They seem to have lost the scary rabbits. Yay! He gives a joyful yip and licks her face with a soft dry felt tongue.


milkbonesoldier February 3 2007, 04:59:05 UTC
The cloud of spell ingredient smells awful, for what that's worth, at least to demon bunny noses. The ones hit by the cloud stagger and flop sideways, slowing down the ones behind them. As for the ones at the back of the pack? They pause to reconsider their course of action. Might have to split up the group, swing around that mess, and go after the human in a two-pronged actiaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAGH!!

That last bit is what happens when slow, distracted demon bunnies get grabbed from behind and flung violently at other demon bunnies. It's almost... grenadelike.


scaredbybook February 3 2007, 05:05:28 UTC
Saving Captain Ryan! Coming soon to a forest near you.

So. Kira has just been tasted by a fuzzy cloth wolf-thing she saved from rabbits. Is it alarming? Is it intimidating? Is it unhygienic? No! It is the best thing ever.

Kira squeals softly and snuggles it.

Then there is a sound behind her like a million rioting demon bunnies, so Kira squeaks and starts running again! She doesn't skid to a halt until she's at the bar door, where it's bright and shiny. And she's started to notice there's stuffing spilled over her hands and there's cold wet spots leaking through her sleeves.

"Are you okay?"


captainryan February 3 2007, 05:11:50 UTC
He's buried his head into her arms again, quivering slightly. The loss of stuffing is starting to take its toll and he mewls pathetically into her shirt.

He's cold and soggy and leaking. Can they go inside now?


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