Entrance Post

Jan 29, 2007 22:40

Through the door, as it swings open, one might catch a glimpse of a wood-panneled hallway, the edge of a tall desk to the right suggesting an office building, high end and ritzy. The woman who steps through, though her cool confidence is the match for any business woman anywhere, screams something far from Wall Street. She pauses three steps in, the clack of her heels stuttering before they stop entirely. Perfectly plucked eyebrows rise sharply above grey-green eyes. Her lips purse, thoughtful.

"Well. This is unexpected." Calm on the surface, the mellow alto tones hold an undercurrent of surprise. Not precisely pleasant surprise, either - it is not every day that one's attorney's office morphs into a bar, after all.

The door swings shut behind her. And vanishes.

Welcome to Milliways, Lady Heather.

pam beesly

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