
Jan 27, 2007 18:24

Steve was happy this time when he came into the bar. Why? Well, he had his reasons, but part of it might be his wallet. That was why he found it so easy to head over to the bar and settle in. For once, he actually had the money to do something.

seymour krelborn, steven rimbauer

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skidrowseymour January 28 2007, 00:31:01 UTC
"Yessir, Mr. Mushnik! Right away, Mr. Mushnik!"

With that, Seymour enters the bar at a light sprint, a bouquet of roses in his hands (all the fingers of his right hand have Band-Aids on them).

He stops, wavers on his feet, then collapses onto a nearby chair. One that happens to be situated near Steve. Whom he eventually notices, blinks at a few times, and then gives a shy, tentative wave to.


tokilltherose January 28 2007, 00:43:13 UTC
"Hey, Seymour," Steve greeted. "You look... harried."

Best word he could think of. Truth was, he looked like he'd been on the pavement end of a dirtbike tire. "You doing okay? Looks like you've not had the greatest time."


skidrowseymour January 28 2007, 00:50:04 UTC
"Hi!" There's a noticable pause. "Steve." He's forgetting so many things lately....

"We're getting a lot more business at the store." Seymour glances at his bouquet to illustrate. "I'm on my feet a lot more, lately! But it's been-- I'm fine!" He forces a broad smile because, hey, he's fine!


tokilltherose January 28 2007, 01:42:54 UTC
((Would've helped if I'd got a notification - sorry!))

"Your fingers don't look fine. Looks like you've been close to a few too many roses - eaten much protein lately? You might need some, especially if that bled. You need a sandwich or something? Some chicken, or a burger?"


skidrowseymour January 28 2007, 05:38:43 UTC
Seymour glances at his hand, twitching at the mention of his wounds bleeding. "Um. A bit.

"Well, now that you mention food, I could go for a 'dog...." He brightens at the thought of food, and actually being able to order food.

[ooc: no problem! Reply when you can!]


tokilltherose January 28 2007, 05:54:26 UTC
"Bar?" asked Steve. "Give Seymour here what he wants. My treat." He put a bill on the bar. He wasn't really throwing it around - hotdogs were cheap - but he was finally eating real food.


skidrowseymour January 28 2007, 06:04:08 UTC
"Oh you don't have--"

But an entire lifetime of being poor has drilled into Seymour that you take food when it's offered. He snatches up the hotdog, and takes a moment to stuff his face with it.

"Thanks! I'll pay you back," he says, around a mouthful of weiner.

"You seem to be doing better."


tokilltherose January 28 2007, 06:12:01 UTC
"Yeah, the deal went through. The sale, I mean. I've got the money, and I'm getting ready to move out of Seattle." He smiled a little. "There's... not much left for me there."


skidrowseymour January 28 2007, 06:13:50 UTC
"Hey! That's amazing!" There's a pause. "And everything with the house is...okay?"


tokilltherose January 28 2007, 06:21:25 UTC
That, Steve sighed at. "Not really. I've even got some pictures but..." He shook his head. "Really not a good thing, but there's not anything I can do about it."


skidrowseymour January 28 2007, 06:27:18 UTC
Yikes. The guy buys him a hotdog and Seymour brings him down. Way to go, Krelborn.

"But it's not your problem anymore, right?" he says, with a nervous little shrug. "Someone else's. You've done your part."

This does not sound, he muses, like the most heroic advice ever. He adjusts his glasses.


tokilltherose January 28 2007, 06:34:47 UTC
"The only thing I can think of is if their demolition guys start disappearing. But ... I'll deal with it when it comes, if I have to. I've still got access to the house as long as it's standing." He shrugged. "What happens next... I have no idea."


skidrowseymour January 28 2007, 06:37:11 UTC
"How did you deal with it the first time?" Seymour asks.

Then he frowns in thought. Wait, did Steve deal with it the first time? Man, that conversation was a while ago....


tokilltherose January 28 2007, 06:39:15 UTC
"This girl who's now a friend of mine is a telekinetic. She dropped rocks on it."

Way to be, eh?


skidrowseymour January 28 2007, 06:40:32 UTC
"Telekin--" Seymour brightens. "Really? Wow! Was it aliens?"


tokilltherose January 28 2007, 06:47:58 UTC
"Nah, just a hungry house guided by my dead grandmother. Oh, and the house turns me psychic. Fun, huh?" The expression on his face was somewhere between wry and miffed, but it ended in a shrug. "But I made a lot of friends out of that. There's Annie and Rachael, Emery, Cathy. Unfortunately the rest of them died."


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