
Jan 07, 2007 22:26

At one point in time, Merriman would have looked upon the days after Twelfth Night as a point of relative calm after the troubles of midwinter.

The relative calm is not quite so reassuring this year, but nonetheless he is taking advantage of the moment to claim a table, a tea service, and the Times crossword.

[OOC: Due to oncoming plot, this ( Read more... )

merriman lyon, kris of valdemar, westerly, amy, kim ford, finn dan shahar

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krisofvaldemar January 8 2007, 04:56:37 UTC
Sometime after his 'practice for ambush' session with Makita, Kris reenters the Bar proper. He feels better than he has in some time,
despite being wet, coat covered with snow. It simply felt good to be useful again, Bound or not.
He's on his way to claim some hot tea and then relaxation. Noticing Merriman, he inclines his head politely to the older man.


merrimanlyon January 8 2007, 05:16:58 UTC
Merriman happens to catch sight of the nod as he reaches for the pot to refresh his own cup of tea, and nods a quiet greeting in return.

He notices in the next moment that the young man's coat is covered in snow. One eyebrow goes up slightly, and he picks up one of the empty cups of tea on the tray and holds it aloft -- a silent offer.


krisofvaldemar January 8 2007, 05:20:03 UTC
It's not an offer Kris is about to turn down. Smiling warmly, he walks over, dusting himself off as he does. "Good evening," quietly.


merrimanlyon January 8 2007, 05:40:46 UTC
'Good evening,' Merriman replies as he sets the cup down, and starts to pour. 'How do you take it?'

There is a pot of milk, a sugar bowl, and a plate of lemon slices on the tea tray. Merriman's tea (visible at a glance in his cup) is solidly black, and appears to be of a strength that could take the finish off the table if accidentally spilled.


krisofvaldemar January 8 2007, 05:49:08 UTC
"Ah, milk and lemon, thank you?" Kris has no trouble staying awake, minus caffeine. Solidly black tea would very possibly result in his not nodding off for a week.


merrimanlyon January 8 2007, 06:04:02 UTC
Merriman adds precisely that combination to the tea, giving the brew a quick stir with a spoon before holding it out to the younger man.

'Has the snow been falling fast outside, of late?' he asks as he proffers the tea?


krisofvaldemar January 8 2007, 06:06:43 UTC
"Earlier in the day yes. It's only been flurries...Myself and a friend were outdoors training." Kris takes the cup gingerly, remembering both to sit and his manners. "Thank you. I'm called Herald Kris, sir."


merrimanlyon January 11 2007, 05:24:38 UTC
'Not surprising, at this time of year,' Merriman says, giving a little half-nod to the door. 'I am familiar with the weather patterns of the land that the lake area was created to resemble, and there should be snow on the ground for at least the next two months or so.'

He inclines his head to the younger man, and raises his cup of tea in a little salute. 'A pleasure, sir. I am Merriman Lyon.'


krisofvaldemar January 14 2007, 12:30:14 UTC
"So this place does follow natural seasons..." under his breath, as he glances--Not at the doors, but at the spot where a door should be.
"Likewise, sir." He smiles. "Valdemar runs harsh winters too.
ah," noticing the puzzle, "What is it you're working on?" Curious as ever.


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