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Dec 31, 2006 20:57

[OOM: Up in his room, Melkor does some arts and crafts.]

He comes downstairs and goes directly to the door.

Moment of truth time.

Melkor places his hand against the door, making sure the cuendillar ring comes in contact with the surface. His other hand slowly turns the knob. As soon as the bolt is free, the Vala steps back and swings open the door.

Before him is a lush green landscape. Warm sun, bright sky, open fields. What world it is, he doesn't know, nor does he care. Where it is isn't important, only what it is.


He looks over his shoulder once, casting one final glance over his asylum, his sanctuary from the Void. Then, he slips out the door, out of the realm of the Valar, away from anyone who could imprison him again.

The door clicks shut behind him.


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