(no subject)

Dec 29, 2006 12:10

Kris hasn't let himself try to tear at the spot where the door should be. It's a victory, if a flawed one. He'll take what he can get.
Instead, come sundown, he goes outside. He doesn't take the bow or his knives with him.
The opposition he's facing isn't of that sort.

Light or Dark, be merciful... He squelches that line of thought. Heraldic custom: prayer is the last resort, if that.

He walks along the lakeshore. It's bitterly cold. He pulls up the hood of his coat. Another white patch amidst snow isn't that visible, he reckons.

Coming to a pile of rocks that would require a climb to pass, he turns aside. Walks deeper into the forest, well past the spot where he'd met Wells and Morpheus.
Past time he stopped letting fear of the future, or the present, color his thoughts.
He doesn't doubt their warnings, but even so...he needs to do this. Why, he probably couldn't explain to outsiders, if asked.

isuzu sohma, kris of valdemar

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