(no subject)

Dec 28, 2006 19:19

[OOC: Raguel found himself busier than usual at the holidays this year - for various reasons. Nevertheless, he came across a few things that he couldn't resist bringing to the bar in the name of Christmas presents.]

Aziraphael: Several vintage board-style games, most relating to language or letters. The note says simply: Rematch?

Crowley: A small, tropical plant. Supposedly it produces beautiful flowers in high humidity. The note says: So you did Plants, huh? Fifty bucks says you can't get this to bloom in the desert.
Everybody needs a project.

Suzi: A sweater with long, bell-shaped sleeves. Great for those chilly San Francisco nights, not to mention hand-holding Suzi style while avoiding general panic of the non-Sime population of Whistler's world.

Coyote: A set of detail tools for clay molding, which he's really hoping she doesn't already have. At least some of them? There's also a small catnip mouse.

Lucifer: It's not really a gift, more something Raguel saw and couldn't resist. It'll appear next time Lucifer's at the bar; a day from now or a century, and there are no notes or tags. He'll probably know anyway.

suzi darley, raguel

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