(no subject)

Dec 10, 2006 23:11

Kitty's not dead.

That's something.

She's in a maximum-security prison where she can't phase, with mutants persecuted more than ever, and he can't do a damn thing to help. He never could. And maybe that's part of why they never would have worked together, in the end, but it's no comfort at all that Piotr can't either.

(Can't or won't, he doesn't let himself think, because Edmund is a king, and he understands hard choices.)

So she's not dead, but Edmund still isn't in anything like a good mood. He's aware that holing up in his room is not the best course of action, though -- been there, tried that, and didn't so much like the results -- so he's been teaching art and maths to the children as usual, and caring for his horse, and keeping an eye out for Piotr or anyone from Kitty's world. (And, just a little, for Kitty herself.) Just in case.

To that end, he's sitting at a table nursing a pot of tea, with a sketchbook he's currently ignoring in favor of correcting worksheets.

edmund pevensie

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