
Dec 06, 2006 17:39

Lenny Inchpot: Son, Brother, Friend.

Lenny Inchpot: Smart-aleck, entrepreneur, interviewee.

Completely botherable! (Come tease him about the suit, if you'd like).

nick knight, lenny inchpot, sikozu shanu

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eternal_boy December 7 2006, 02:14:56 UTC
The man won't be teasing him about his suit, but he will be putting down a little bag of sugar cookies, still warm and in a bag of green and red.

"Happy St. Nick's Day."


mop_jockey December 7 2006, 02:23:06 UTC
EEE. Sugar!!!

"Uh- Thanks? Yeah! Hey! THANKS." Lenny grins up at the man when he opens the bag. "Merry Christmas- but- you do know it's not for a little while, right?"


eternal_boy December 7 2006, 02:26:51 UTC
He shakes his head.

"Today is St. Nicholas' Day, the saint's day. It's a tradition to give small candies or cookies on this day."


mop_jockey December 7 2006, 02:30:41 UTC
"Hunh. Didn't know that." Lenny contemplates that for a second, then offers his hand to the man.

"Lenny Inchpot. Sorry I don't have any candles or cookies for you." Apologetic smile, and offer of a chair to sit in.


eternal_boy December 7 2006, 02:37:58 UTC
He shakes his head.

"Nick Knight," he offers, though he doesn't know how long that name will be good anymore, considering.

"But no worries. I've been doing this a couple of years. I couldn't eat them anyway."


mop_jockey December 7 2006, 02:48:20 UTC
Lenny knows one other person that sometimes doesn't eat-

"Nice to meet you Nick! Human, God, Alien or Other? I'm human. From Pickax, America. Four Hundred Miles North of Everywhere."


eternal_boy December 7 2006, 02:49:58 UTC
He chuckles.

"As I'm coming in from Canada, I doubt that."

He shakes his head.

"Vampire, actually."


mop_jockey December 7 2006, 02:54:56 UTC
"Damn, ya got me there- Although, in all fairness, we may as well be in Canada, for all our remoteness."


"You're serious, aren't you? You're really a blood-sucker. Damn." Lenny stares a minute, his brain clicking through all those books and movies and tv shows.

Which makes him snicker.


eternal_boy December 7 2006, 02:56:35 UTC
"For the second time," he answers cryptically. "Though... yes, 'really' would account for the eight hundred years I've been around, I should think."


mop_jockey December 7 2006, 03:10:10 UTC

"So, which incarnation is closest to your situation: Bram Stoker's Dracula, or the countess from Russia?"

Lenny only knows about the Russian chick because he got really bored one day and decided to spend six hours in the historical fiction section of the local library. Luckily Pickax actually has some Russian inhabitants, or else he'd have nothing.


eternal_boy December 7 2006, 03:18:11 UTC
"Neither, really," he answers. "I was a knight, a crusader, a man of God."

A small, tired smile.

"My faith was tested and I failed."


mop_jockey December 7 2006, 03:23:33 UTC
Lenny nods sympathetically. "God gives some folks a disproportionate amount of crap, doesn't He?"

Not that Lenny's lost his faith, entirely.


eternal_boy December 7 2006, 03:26:21 UTC
"And yet to balance it, joy. I've... never truly lost my faith. I've only... let it be hidden by my own foolishness."


mop_jockey December 7 2006, 03:34:32 UTC
"I think I lost faith in humans, for a while. See, my girlfriend- my fiancee, was killed. Murdered. 'Course, I blamed myself at first. I let the guy up, even though he wasn't a guest in the hotel. Didn't figure on him having a bomb though."


eternal_boy December 7 2006, 03:35:54 UTC
"I've lost many," he admits. "But... the most important thing to remember is that you're still around to prevent that sort of thing from happening to others."


mop_jockey December 7 2006, 03:41:11 UTC
"Exactly. Annie wouldn't want me to get hung up on it. Drive me crazy if I did. And my mom too."


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