(no subject)

Dec 03, 2006 15:00

He has the bottle of pills Doogie wroe for him in his pocket.

In his hand he has a note from the bar. A note that says due to his recent presciption refill, he's not getting any more pills until January, when the prescription should run out.

He balls the paper up, his fingers curling in to a tight fist.

He should have expected this.

Next time he'll have to get Doogie to fill the prescription outside the bar, and bring it back to him. But even Doogie said he wouldn't refill the script for a month.

With a grunt of frustration, he jerks the pill bottle out of his pocket and pours one int his hand. He's still got plenty, really. Not enough to get him through the month, but enough to get through a couple weeks. He'll worry about running out later.

Right now, he needs a pill.

Approach with caution, he's irritable.

greg house, juliet burke, dawn summers

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