This is it. This is the day she has been looking forward to for years. The day she starts her surgical internship at Seattle Grace Hospital under the esteemed Dr. Burke. She is pretty sure she's prepared adequately for the day - she's reviewed all of her notes concerning common procedures, memorized the map of Seattle Grace, arrived an hour early to make sure she had time to get coffee and change into her scrubs and white coat, looked over the case files...
With a deep breath, she clutches her cup of coffee a little tighter (the cellophane crinkles a little under her grip) and pushes the door open to walk into the locker room, to meet her fellow interns and the resident who will be in charge of them. It doesn't matter that it's still forty-five minutes before the shift is supposed to start, right?
Evidently it does. This is... not the locker room. This doesn't even look like the rest of Seattle Grace - there is no possible way any of this can ever be made sterile. She almost thinks she's wandered into the lobby of the psychiatric ward instead (made up to look like a bar to decrease the negative associations with hospitals?) when she spots the three tragically deformed
children. Well... Perhaps it is a... For once, she's at a loss. So much so, she doesn't notice when the door closes behind her.