Double-pup Post

Nov 07, 2006 11:56

Not enough pups for a multi-pup post! Have a double-pup post instead:

At one end of the bar, there sits a Slayer. A Chosen One. In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires... or in this case, lean against the Bar, looking kind of bored and miserable. Her mun is an idiot and really needs to get a laptop and internet connection when she's not at work, and continue to work through canon.

As is, she's just... stuck in the bar, looking miserable, poking at a bowl of quickly melting chocolate ice cream.

At the other end of the bar, there sits a Goddess.

A Goddess at the start of her second Trimester.

Her normally red hair is streaked with gray; her normally youthful face is lined with age.

The coming of Winter has hit someone. Hard.

[OOC: Obviously, the mun is at work. Damn that lack of spare time/laptop/internet access during the week when I'm not here! Please make sure you specify who you. If you don't, I'll randomly choose :D Tags may be slow, due to customers and accounts and the boss randomly showing up, but... hey. I'm doing my best :)]

alexander knox, ravin lichvell, sheila na gig, buffy summers

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