Amy comes in this evening with her hands full of
envelopes, sealed with gold wax and ribbons, carefully and formally addressed in the swirling script of a palace scribe to Queen Susan of Narnia, Miss Marguerite Giry and Mr. Andrew Wells, Miss Anne Shirley, Mr. Logan Echolls, King Caspian X and Queen Lucy of Narnia, King Mendanbar of the Enchanted Forest, Princess Cimorene of Linderwall, Lord Ostium and Lady Door of the House of Arch and Mr. Gavroche Thernardier and Lady Ingress, Professor Merriman Lyon, Captain and Mrs. Malcolm Reynolds, Miss Philippa Gordon, Midshipman Henry Wellard, Mr. Gilbert Blythe, Miss Lilly Kane, and Mr. Eustace C. Scrubb.
"Bar, dear, would you mind, terribly, seeing that these are delivered?"
That done, she vanishes back out through the door to Ambergeldar, only to return moments later with her daughter.
They're both settled in over by the fireplace, where Amy is singing a silly song about a knight and a dragon, much, it appears, to Susan's amusement.