The door opens, and four identical men walk into the bar.
They're in what passes for a battle dress uniform aboard Fearless (that is, something other than full Katarn armor), which is really the same thing they wore while training on Kamino, except that instead of blue or red these are varying shades of black and dark gray
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Comments 63
But neither of these options seem to be the case, and eventually Dar just points to a table in the back. "That good, Sarge?"
Waitrats are quickly flagged down. "Get us some Kaminoan steak, yeah?" he orders. "And drinks too. Water'll do for me-- what'll you boys have?"
"Juice," Atin volunteers. "And something for dessert."
Just four ordinary members of the GAR who happen to all look the same digging into steak dinners like they haven't seen real food in years.
Which, considering the clones' accelerated growth... might as well be the truth.
It's probably a good thing that Darman never had those typical teenage years. Because now that this round of sibling rivalry's over, he's sitting there snickering with his buddies.
"Look at that di'kut over there with the feirfek horrible hairstye," he says, punching Atin's shoulder to get his attention as he points to Bonzo.
Four identical men with weird armor?
...that's new.
Excuse the boy while he stares openly.
No armor. Cloth uniforms. Grey, but still not armor.
They're still identical clones stuffing their faces with steak and chocolate, though. That's probably stare-worthy.
Twins? Yeah, he's seen twins. And he's heard of triplets. But quadruplets?
Well, that deserves some staring.
What? They're eating here.
*Okay, maybe not deserves. But that's what it gets.
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