
Oct 26, 2006 08:51

Max looks a little relieved to see the bar today.

The twins have been asking what Halloween is all week, and she's tired of it.

There are no holidays for those on the run.

...Except, of course, for those involving an odd restaurant with it's own sense of time, a winged girl, and a glass of cherry coke.

captain kirk, maximum

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works_in_space October 26 2006, 15:08:43 UTC
Jim Kirk enters the main bar, having slept late (again - he's really getting lazy here), and notices something odd. Very odd.

"You have wings," he sort of blurts out.


sky_high_max October 26 2006, 15:11:11 UTC
Without missing a beat, "Yes, yes I do."

She smiles politely.


works_in_space October 26 2006, 15:14:49 UTC
Kirk realizes that his grasp of the obvious got ahead of him. He also notices that he's talkiong to yet another pretty young blonde. Is the Bar trying to remind him of all his youthful liaisons on a regular basis?

"Sorry for beig so blunt. You'd think I would be used to seeing people who are a bit outside the norm.

"I'm Jim Kirk, Earth, 23rd century." After a month here, he makes no assumptions as to where or when she might be from.


sky_high_max October 26 2006, 15:18:35 UTC
She opens her mouth, then closes it, dumbfounded.


After a moment of wrapping her mind around that, she decides it's best not to blurt out that her best friend thinks he's awesome and instead extends her hand as calmly as possible.

"Max, Earth, early 21st."


works_in_space October 26 2006, 15:30:05 UTC
Kirk notices the look on her face and wonders just what that's about. For the moment, he has other questions.

"I hope this doesn't sound like an odd question," he says as he shakes her hand, "but does everyone on your Earth have wings?"


sky_high_max October 26 2006, 15:32:39 UTC
((No worries, will not canon puncture unless you want that, it's just stated in canon that two characters love Kirk.))

She's not surprised at the question. She gets it a lot around here.

"Nope, there's just the six of us, as far as I know."


works_in_space October 26 2006, 16:15:03 UTC
"Some sort of experiment?" It's a natural guess, though from what he knws of his Earth, even the project that birthed Khan and his army didn't give people wings.

{ooc: The day will come when Kirk is canon punctured. That today is not that day. :)]


sky_high_max October 26 2006, 16:23:01 UTC
"Wow, right on the second try. Most people go through 'angel' and 'superhero' first."

She grins a bit.

((And Max is smart enough not to do that to him anyway, though if he's ever wandering going "is this true?" she'll be there XD))


works_in_space October 26 2006, 16:39:01 UTC
"I don't think there's such a thing as angels. And I'm afraid I don't know what a superhero is suppsoed to look like." He's heard of Superman, but knows very little about that chunk of 20th century pop culture.

"You must come from a rather advanced timeline. I'm not aware of any such experiments in my own time. Though such things are of course illegal."


sky_high_max October 26 2006, 16:43:38 UTC
She chuckles. "Glad to see someone agrees."

She takes another sip, then, "They're illegal in my time, too. Don't know if we're 'advanced' really... Not sure you can call any society that watches The Simpsons and prizes pizza above all other foods advanced."

Not that there's anything wrong with pizza, of course. Hmm, she may have to get some now.


works_in_space October 26 2006, 16:53:11 UTC
"There's nothing wrong with pizza. Granted, once we get into space we find a rather wide array of cuisines. But I don't think you can judge a culture on its food.

"I'm afraid I don't know who the Simpsons are, though." Kirk takes a seat and orders a coffee.


sky_high_max October 26 2006, 16:55:44 UTC
Max goes ahead and gets that slice. Mmm, veggie.

"You're familiar with the concepts of slapstick humor and running gags at least, I assume, so that should be enough said.

"But really, I have nothing to compare it to. We don't have much in the way of space travel, for example; we've only been to the moon, and that was 30 years ago. We haven't been back since."


works_in_space October 26 2006, 17:01:05 UTC
"Slpstick humor...like in...I think his name was Chaplin, right? The man in the baggy pants. I've heard of that, yes, though I don't think it's too popular in my time." Though Kirk rarely gets to see any kind of popular entertainment.

"But I get what you're trying to say. You'd explain it, and I'd have no clue. I'm starting to get used to that.

"And that someone gave you wings but can't return to the Moon is quite remarkable. In my timeline, we had a very robust space program in your time."


sky_high_max October 26 2006, 17:24:43 UTC
She shrugs.

"Robust, ya, but they just fly up, drop something into orbit, come home, repeat. And now they're scared to even do that because one of the ships blew up. I mean, I'm glad they're focusing on genetics and stuff, because then we can fight diseases, but since they've outlawed half the experiments, only the outlaws can do them, and the outlaws... would rather make things like me than cure AIDs."

To demonstrate what she means, she crushes her soda can. With one finger.


works_in_space October 26 2006, 17:26:45 UTC
He ponders one idea here, that the space prorgram would be derailed by one accident. He knows of at least two accidents from that time, but things proceeded anyway. Is that as much a point of divergence as the rise of Khan?

"If it means anything, in my timeline at least they do find a cure for AIDS. It takes a long time, but it happens. Even though there were outlaws on my world who did what was done to you, and then some." Indeed, watching her crush the can brings back memories of Khan himself.


sky_high_max October 26 2006, 17:29:53 UTC
"That's good to know. Hopefully mine won't be far off."

Right now, with all this timeline stuff, she's glad for her intelligence. She figures it's one of those things even Kit wouldn't understand.

"Though I hope whoever decided to do this kind of thing got killed."

((Sorry, will slow time for a bit. Commute time.))


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