Oct 02, 2006 20:37
College is but days away, and what with all the excitement of packing and planning and goodbyes, Phil hasn't had a single moment to herself. Usually she like it that way, of course, but a girl has to be able to stop and take a deep breath every now and again, you know.
But the life of a Bolingbroke socialite is never a dull one, so even if she has escaped to Milliways for a few hours, there are still things to be done. More specifically, there are letters to be written. At a little table, Phil is ensconced with pen and ink and two identical pieces of fine note paper. The one she is currently working on reads
Dearest Alec, and little else. Of course, if one were observant, one might notice that the other reads only Dearest Alonzo. It's filling in the details that's so frightfully difficult, you know.
phil gordon