
Sep 26, 2006 00:09

She came for the brother.

She's staying for the tea.

And scones.

And the big comfy chair by the fireplace.

[OOC: Mun requests great slowtime! For she has to get up to open the office in approximately 6 1/2 hours. For woe! Tags will be picked up tomorrow at the earliest possible time.]

boromir, sheila na gig, clive

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Comments 50

sonofwhitecity September 25 2006, 23:16:13 UTC
Boromir is reading near the fire, as he often is.

There's not much to do in this afterlife thing, but he's becoming very well-read.

He looks up and smiles politely. The scones smell good.

"Good evening."


sheila_nagig September 25 2006, 23:18:04 UTC
He doesn't even get to the 'evening' when she hands him a scone with a smile.

"Good evenin'"

She tucks her feet up under herself.

"Whatcha readin'?"


sonofwhitecity September 25 2006, 23:19:35 UTC
"It is the tale of a prince whose father is murdered and he must discover by whom. It is called 'Hamlet.' It is quite lovely poetry.

"Thank you," he adds and takes a bite of the scone. "Mm. Very good."


sheila_nagig September 25 2006, 23:23:44 UTC
"Ooh, Shakespeare. Good choice."

She nods.

"This place makes the best scones I've ever tasted. And I'm from across the water from a scone-mad country."

She holds her hand out.

"Sheila Eostre. Pleased t'meetcha!"


misterparker September 26 2006, 00:02:31 UTC
Parker comes in from the lake, a little tense and slouches into an armchair by the fireplace without looking around.

Does when he orders a beer from a waitrat and sees her.



sheila_nagig September 26 2006, 00:12:18 UTC
She hands him a scone and a cup of tea on a tray.

"Hey. No beer. Beer bad. Tea!"


misterparker September 26 2006, 00:13:57 UTC
A raised eyebrow, "Hey, it's past noon, beer can be had."

Takes the tea and scone anyway.

"Haven't seen you around before."


sheila_nagig September 26 2006, 00:16:57 UTC
"I ain't been around much lately."

She shrugs.

"Got caught up at home."

She smiles.

"Not seen you around, either. But probably due to my lack-of-being-around."


goodbyesandusky September 26 2006, 00:12:20 UTC
"OHMYGODYOU'REHERE!" It was almost, but not quite, a squeal.

Also? That would be a leap-tackle-hug-thing from Clive, "So, you were right about the whole not-being-dead thing, I totally wasn't, just like, comatose or something, and now everything's back to normal, or better than normal even, except for the whole being dumped on Valentine's day thing everything's great!"

Yeah. This is what happens when Clive gets coffee. He turns into Sniffles The Mouse

Much like his mun.


sheila_nagig September 26 2006, 00:15:50 UTC
She is GLOMPED. And Clive is hugged back.

"I'm trying so hard not to 'I told you so' right now," she says, mostly keeping the grin off her face.

Until it gets to the dumped-on-Valentine's-Day-thing.

"Man, that blows. Or maybe it doesn't? Uh. Sorry, sweety."


goodbyesandusky September 26 2006, 00:22:18 UTC
He laughed, just once, at that particular response, Gypsy had said much the same thing, though she'd more than likely used 'sucks' instead.

In any case, he shrugged, "Yeah, it was months ago though, I should be over it by now." Didn't mean he actually was of course, but that was beside the point.


sheila_nagig September 26 2006, 00:24:13 UTC
She shrugs.

"Not that easy, is it?"

It'd been nearly a year since Thomas... yeah. Cough. Woe. She'll get over it eventually.

"Anyway, whatcha been up to, sweety? Keeping yourself busy?"


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