(no subject)

Aug 29, 2006 21:20

As anticipated, it has been a long few days.

Tequila had been found and brought back by Ennis early on the morning after the quake, and thankfully (and Caspian still breathes a sigh of relief for this) some determined efforts had regained Rofal and Cluaran, while Pistolet had trotted in by himself later on in the day, hungry and mildly annoyed that there was a distinct lack of oats out in the Milliways forest. Caspian himself had caught a glimpse of Liaffen, but the stallion had shied away before he could be caught--yet that one sight was enough to lay to rest some worries.

Still, there is more work yet to do, and he has been hard at it for the past two days, repairing splintered doors and troughs and trying to make sure the horses--when they are found or return--have a place to return to and food to eat.

Which is likely why he can be found this evening in Kiseki's stall, weary but determined, trying his hand at repairing a doorlatch. Not terribly delicate work, but mind-numbing.

With the stables, under his care, in the shape they are currently in, however--

Well. A few minutes where he does not have to think are very likely welcome.

[OOC: Okay! If your character wants to come talk to Caspian about helping out, now is a good time. He's tired and so am I, but we'll both be around for threads.]

caspian x, peter pevensie, amy, lucy pevensie

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