(no subject)

Aug 27, 2006 13:26

The clock is really whizzing forward today. After the large sacrifice last night, it's got a lot of ground to make up if it's going to reach the 10 by the time the quake is happening.

The note asking for sacrifices is still up, as is the note asking for signups for the ground assault.

And beside the clock, Urza himself still sits. Planeswalkers do not actually require sleep, or food, or any of those mortal trappings, so he hasn't moved, and has no plans to until the final possible moment.

[ooc: multi"pup" post! You can interact with the clock, talk to Urza, or just sign up on the note. All in one convienient, easy-to-use entrance post.]

lazarus long, armageddeon, cassandra fraiser, hale, peter venkman

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