(no subject)

Aug 26, 2006 01:32

When the door opens, from a shady London alley, it's to a scene of some disarray; people are picking chairs up off the floor, checking for broken glass, murmuring nervously. And the lights have gone out.

Not that it matters much to Crowley; demons, as a general rule, rather need to be able to see in the dark.

More than one glance is being thrown towards a particular corner, and Crowley frowns in confusion - and a little concern - as he spots the focus. Is this what they'd meant, last night? When they said it wasn't safe? Crowley's tremendous intuitive sense developed as an Agent Of Evil, slave to the laws of narrative causality, and firm fan of Hollywood blockbusters, does seem to suggest that whopping great ticking clocks where previously there were none are not generally nor inherently precursors to... jolliness1.

Still, he's here now, and after - after last night, and this morning -

He can do this, at least. He can do this.

It's a mite chaotic behind the bar, as well, but Crowley doesn't have overmuch difficulty in acquiring a glass of wine (red, dry) before picking his way through the patrons to a booth along the wall.

(Less likely to fall over if... whatever it was happens again, he reasons.)

1 This is popularly known as the No Shit Principle, or alternatively, the Law of Christopher Lee2.

2Have you ever seen Christopher Lee appear on screen and thought "Oh good! He'll surely help these children get home safely!"? No? QED.

crowley, shalla nelprin, mal, melkor, tom riddle, raguel

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