(no subject)

Aug 18, 2006 20:31

[Millitimed to early evening.]

Everything is still behind Milliways in the early evening twilight. Urza walks among the trees (forest), skirts the edge of the muck by the shaded shore of the lake (swamp), crosses the wide open spaces in between (plains), and crouches on a rock, looking out across the water to the small outgrowth of reeds and other water plants (island). Only the lack of formless mountains in the distance keeps this from being a perfect sanctuary.

Even so, it is an idyllic place to rest, recover strength, and Urza has been taking the time to do just that. He relaxes out here for some time, then, with a contented sigh, he makes his way toward the back door of the bar itself, thinking that dinner would be an excellent idea.

Sadly, designating a place as sanctuary almost demands that it be violated. This place, even removed from time and space, seems to be no different.

No sooner has Urza opened the door than he feels the opening of a portal between the worlds. It is an oily sensation in his mind, as if oozing mana in great noxious blobs. He knows without turning what he will see waiting for him.

"Th'tksik," he says sadly, turning to face the insectoid wizard. The adversary was nothing so much as a 7-foot tall walking mantis covered in metallic spines and armor plating fused to its carapace.

"Urzzzza," the wizard hisses through its mechanical voicebox. "How niccce to ssssee you." It raises a forelimb, nothing more. But it is enough.

The planeswalker catches the lightning bolt full in the chest and is thrown backward through the door, crashing heavily into a table. If not for his wards (and his paranoia for keeping them up), that single blast could have ended him. Urza staggers to his feet, ignoring the scorch mark on his chest, and stalks through the open door to face the wizard.

magius, armageddeon, oom, tom riddle

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