(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 20:17

Estat ai en greu cossirier / per un cavallier q'ai agut,
e voill sia totz temps saubut / cum eu l'ai amat a sorbrier;
ara vei q'ieu sui trahida / car eu non li donei m'amor,
don ai estat en gran error / en lieig quand sui vestida.

Ben volria mon cavalier / tener un ser e mos bratz nut,
q'el s'en tengra per ereubut / sol q'a lui fezes cosseiller;
car plus m'en sui abellida / no fetz Floris de Blanchaflor:
eu l'autrei mon cor e m'amor / mon sen, mos houills e ma vida.

Bels amics, avinens e bos, / Coraus tenrai e mon poder?
e que jagues ab vos un ser / e qeus des un bais amoros!
Sapchatz, gran talan n'auria / qeus tengues en luoc del marit,
ab so que m'aguessetz plevit / de far tot so qu'eu volria.

One might think that the song was a bit odd of a choice, considering, but it worked for him, really. in a way. Either way, he's happy and he's bouncing on the balls of his feet as he makes his way into the bar.

nick knight, te lawrence

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