
Jul 31, 2006 18:37

Lawrence is perched near the fire with a cup of tea in hand, a map stretched across his lap haphazardly.

He only appears busy - really he's not doing much of anything.

mary anne bell, draco malfoy, random of amber, te lawrence, tom jones

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herr_farrenen August 1 2006, 01:29:37 UTC
It really is the most interesting place.

Pint of bitter in hand, collar and tie loosened, Siegfried's eyes travel over the interior of the pub with interest, even as the heat of the room causes the scent of cow and barnyard to waft gently from his clothing.

A man by the fireside is a common sight in the dim, tiny pubs of Darrowby and the surrounding area, and he gives a friendly nod to this one, glancing briefly at the paper in his lap while taking another deeply contented pull at his own pint.


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 01:35:21 UTC
Lawrence is very practiced at not wrinkling his nose or anything of the sort.

"And hello to you as well, sir." As long as people are polite to him, he can be tolerably polite back. Maybe.


herr_farrenen August 1 2006, 01:38:37 UTC
"Thank you, young man."

Siegfried raises his glass and smiles beatifically, either not noticing the odor of farm animals, or not caring a bit.

"Absolutely top-notch, this. Will you have a drink, there?"


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 01:41:06 UTC
Lawrence laughs softly.

"Young man? Hardly, I'm afraid."


herr_farrenen August 1 2006, 01:50:47 UTC
His eyebrows arch elegantly, and he gives a soft chuckle.

"Hardly? Why, my good man, you can't be older than I am, surely, and though I might not be the so young as I once was, neither am I knocking on death's door. I suppose I might ask you to indulge me."

He smiles charmingly, utterly unfazed. Beneath his eyes, the toil of the day's work is taking its toll--his thin cheeks somewhat sunken, his hair churned about every which way, the tie loose and somewhat crooked around his neck.

Still, the blue eyes sparkle with good humor, and he orders another pint for himself, the first drained comfortably away.

"Having a drink, then?"


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 02:01:34 UTC
"A cup of tea, actually. All the better to observe any final details to be made on the map, you see."

But of course, he has to wait for the ink to dry before he can make any final details.

"I suppose you are correct, and I should certainly very much like to be considered a young man. I am when compared to certain individuals here."

After a pause, he offers out his hand. "Thomas Edward Lawrence. And you are..?"


herr_farrenen August 1 2006, 02:12:28 UTC
"Delighted, Mr. Lawrence." His grip is firm, the long fingers strong and the palm callused. "My name is Siegfried Farnon."

Tea appearing, he serves it and hands it to Lawrence with care not to let it spill on the paper.

"A map, eh?" His eyebrow quirks. "Map of what, if you don't mind my asking?"


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 02:13:45 UTC
"A small area of Iraq that I am currently studying." And living in.

He nods, returning the shake diplomatically before he smiles his thanks for the tea.

"And a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Farnon."


herr_farrenen August 1 2006, 02:30:21 UTC
"Eh? Iraq?"

Interest perks his expression, and he glances at the paper in Lawrence's lap.

"That's capital, there. I've never been, you know, and I know next to nothing about the area, but it certainly seems an interesting place--fairly savage from what I've heard. Is that right?"


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 02:32:17 UTC
"Savage?" He narrows his eyes just slightly. "No, completely and utterly incorrect. Perfectly civilized, and most likely more advanced in technology than any utter rubbish that the British produce."

Forgive him, he's terribly sensitive about this sort of thing.


herr_farrenen August 1 2006, 02:44:11 UTC
"Is it, now?"

The somewhat sharp tone appears to make not a dent in Siegfried's good humor, though he looks at the other man thoughtfully.

"I suppose that would depend on what sort of technology you're speaking about."


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 02:45:26 UTC
"Regardless, I assure you that it is quite less savage than the rest of the world makes it out to be. I consider it a far more pleasant place to live than Europe."

He shakes his head. "I suppose."


herr_farrenen August 1 2006, 02:58:21 UTC
He gets a somewhat sharp look, as Siegfried's curiousity is piqued.

"Well now, I had no intention of insulting you or your home," he says, mildly. "To each their own, of course. I wouldn't leave the Dales for the world, you know, but I agree that London isn't a place in which I'd like to live, either."


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 03:07:28 UTC
"No, not fond of London at all, howevermuch they think that they are fond of me. Or aren't, depending on the climate of the time."

He is almost amused by this.


herr_farrenen August 1 2006, 03:11:00 UTC
The eyebrows raises, slowly.

"I'm sorry to hear that," is all he says, however, and takes a sip of his bitter ale.


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 03:13:50 UTC
Lawrence laughs very slightly.

"I am not."


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