(no subject)

Jul 18, 2006 18:41

Ray quietly makes his way down the stairs, dressed in a respectably adult fashion for once- shoes and all, and carrying a hefty brushed-metal box with a sturdy handle. Whatever mathematical madness gripped him last night, it seems to've passed now. He heads over to the Bar and sets down a bag the size of his fist. "That's for my bill," he says. "I expect to be coming back, but if I don't, put whatever else is left over on the tab of somebody who needs it."

Once the bag disappears, he places the notes.


Going back to my world and getting my butt to Nevada. I need to test the Beam generator prototypes before I send the plans to Eddie and I'm not going to take chances on what happens if I use them inside a closed dimensional bubble like this place. Nevada's reality's always been kind of questionable anyway, so I doubt it'll do any harm. If it does do harm, you probably want to make sure and tell your Ray to triple-check the backup notes I gave your world's Winston before he tries building any of them. I don't think reality inversions are high on your list of priorities (think total protonic reversal, only an awful lot bigger).



Hopefully by the time you get this, I'll be back from my world. I can't guarantee that, though. I'm off to test the Beam generators for Eddie Dean, or at least to test the prototypes. If all goes well, I'll bring you a souvenir from my world's Nevada. How do you feel about poisonous lizards?

If all doesn't go well I don't think anyone but the Doctor is likely to hear about it, so hopefully we'll be arguing over lizard spit toxicity before that happens. Okay?



Gone to my world's Nevada to test the Beam generator prototypes. Left a set of backup plans with your world's Ray, assuming Slimer didn't lose them first. No need to tell you what could happen if the prototypes misfire so all I'm gonna say is, wish me luck.



Testing the prototypes in my world's Nevada. Agent Rho has backup plans, as do the Rays in Dr. Venkman's and Dr. Spengler's respective 'verses. Back when I can.



Off for a field test! Beam generator prototypes successfully built, all systems appear to be go- now to give 'em a shot somewhere a little more appropriate than here and see if the Big Switch With The Red Handle changes the carrier harmonic in dimension eighteen enough to propagate through the intersecting streams and down-power all the rest. If it doesn't work, I have a feeling I may wind up in Flatland or somewhere similarly bizarre. This really isn't the kind of thing that Just Doesn't Work- it either works or it fails spectacularly.

And yeah, there's a Big Switch With A Red Handle. This is important tech. The Big Red Button turns it on, the Big Switch With The Red Handle sends the command to shut it off. We don't wanna mess around with complicated controls at the critical moment, right?

Anyway. I'm heading for New York and then for Nevada, and if all goes well I'll be back here as soon as the tests are done. Thought I should let you know.


Once the notes are safely in Bar's keeping he gets himself a glass of the green stuff, but he'll be out the door as soon as his drink is finished. He's up for conversation in the meantime, though.

ray stantz, matilda wormwood

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