
Mar 06, 2006 15:56

Since it has been decided these two must be around...

Námo and Nerdanel are on a sofa together.

Their eyes are on the door.

Worried eyes.

Haunted eyes.

nerdanel, john bloody taylor, faramir, shufti, asar-suti, námo

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asar_suti July 6 2006, 20:09:58 UTC
"Nothing yet?" Asar-Suti asked, coming down the stairs from the magical library.


halls_of_mandos July 6 2006, 20:16:51 UTC
Námo looks at Asar-Suti.

"No. But they have taken him from the bar."

Nerdanel, her hands trembling around her tea, begins to cry again.


asar_suti July 6 2006, 20:18:41 UTC
Asar-Suti put down his coffee and went to Nerdanel to hug her, careful not to spill her hot tea over them both. "This is out of Security's hands, then. What else can we do?"


sael_nerdanel July 6 2006, 20:21:38 UTC
Námo takes her cup so she can cling properly. Then shakes his head.

"I do not know, meldir."

He had ideas.

Many involved blood and a lot of pain.

"He... won't go looking..." she sobs against him. "I want... my son... back, Sooty!"


asar_suti July 6 2006, 20:27:42 UTC
"I can open a door on where he is," Asar-Suti said, "but for that we would have to know where he is. Sifting through all the worlds - Ray once knew how to do that, and Tim Hunter. But I don't know if that will still work."

He was a solution-oriented deity. But hefully realised Nerdanels emotional plight, so he held on and stroked her back while looking and talking to Námo with angry eyes that gave a hint of the lava.

"Do you know who that was yet?"


halls_of_mandos July 6 2006, 20:46:21 UTC
He shakes his head.

"Not yet."

But his own angry glare shows that, when they find out, there will be little left of the thief when he is done with him.


asar_suti July 6 2006, 20:48:55 UTC
"But if - somebody find the world where Feahelce is, then you could find the child and whoever holds him, and get back to the thief, if that person isn't the thief?" Asar-Suti mused.

His hands tangled in Nerdanel's hair as he was stroking it.


halls_of_mandos July 6 2006, 20:49:52 UTC
She curls close to him, just soothed by his presence.

"If we knew the world, yes. I could find him in the world without any trouble."


asar_suti July 6 2006, 20:52:34 UTC
"Do you know if the thief is a he? It could be female, or something else entirely," Asar-Suti said, used to the weirdness of Milliways.


halls_of_mandos July 6 2006, 21:03:45 UTC
"Melkor kept referring to the thief in the male sense."

He rubs at his eyes.

This was his fault, no matter what Gorlim said.


asar_suti July 6 2006, 21:06:57 UTC
"But Melkor would not go into any more details about who the thief was?" Asar-Suti asked, shaking his head. "Melkor can be very annoying."


halls_of_mandos July 6 2006, 21:26:26 UTC
Nerdanel sags with exhaustion against Sooty while Námo shakes his head.

"He said he had given us all the clues we needed, but he had given us nothing."


asar_suti July 6 2006, 21:27:43 UTC
"Can you share with me all that he said to you?" Asar-Suti said, clearly not meaning human speech.


halls_of_mandos July 6 2006, 21:33:00 UTC
He can.

And he does.

From finding his son gone to his his arrest. It is a brief sharing, as thought travels much faster and clearer than words, more true, and then the minds part.

"That was all. There was no name ever given. No true clue. Just my brother's double-speech."


asar_suti July 6 2006, 21:53:33 UTC
"Where is your brother now?" Asar-Suti asked.


halls_of_mandos July 6 2006, 21:57:46 UTC
He thinks, concentrating on Melkor.

"His room. He has kept himself scarce."


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