The door opens with a crash as the Rivan King runs in. He obviously didn't expect to be running into Milliways, but relief breaks on his face as soon as he recognizes where he is.
"Well... that was certainly helpful."
*I do make things EASIER on occasion.*
If only to balance the many many times you make things incredibly difficult.
*Well... yes.*
He looks chagrined for a moment before looking around. There are difficult ways and easy ways to do things, dignified ways and simple ways to do things. As was usually the case with the Rivan King, with Garion of Riva and once of Faldor's Farm, he went with the easiest... and the simplest.
"ANY FRIEND OF MINE. ANY PACK MEMBER. ANY PARENT. ANYONE WHO WOULD WORK AGAINST SOMEONE WHO HAS STOLEN A CHILD FROM HIS MOTHER'S ARMS." And he considers for half a second, weighing a couple of things in the back of his brain before finally belting out "AND ANYONE WHO'D LIKE THEIR BAR TAB PAID IN FULL" He's not against mercenaries. "COME SEE THE TALL BLONDE MAN WITH THE GIANT SWORD AT THE BAR."
[ooc: If you'd like to get started before they finish talking, the threads are