Very Out of Milliways

Jun 05, 2006 19:00

Yesterday, or last week, depending entirely on where you're from and your sense of time, there was a wedding on the planet of Antar, between King Max Zan Evans and now-Queen Faith Lehane.

Thanks to various local methods of entrance and also Michael the Milliways chauffer, many many people showed up. They mingled, too.

Then, there was an Actual Official Genuine Wedding. Thanks to Random Lyrae Dent and Havelock Vetinari, it was a lot more amusing than anybody expected. (Thanks to Liam Pace, the boquet-throwing got pretty interesting too.)

After Max and Faith left, there was more mingling! Complete with several reunions from sticky political situations earlier this your-choice-of-timeframe. People are, in fact, still mingling in slowtime. (Actually, people might be showing up in slowtime, too.)

Nobody specifically asked for gifts, but some were left anyway.

Gifts might also still be being left in slowtime, as a matter of fact.

joris, meg giry, shelley winters, mark cohen, nita callahan, andrew wells, ford prefect, daniel, gavroche thenardier, rupert giles, max evans, darien fawkes, random dent, michael guerin, richard sharpe, greg sanders, sara sidle, faith lehane, warren meers, arithon, angela edmunds, valentine wiggin-skywalker, charlie pace, moiraine, liam pace, angel dumott schunard

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