
May 25, 2006 08:29

Piper walks into the bar with three things:
A wiggling toddler on her hip, an older toddler holding her other hand and a big smile.

Once through the door Piper leads the two little ones by the fire.

She's looking for Prue. She wants her sons to know their other aunt.

paige halliwell, zevran arainai, piper halliwell

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the4thsister May 25 2006, 18:31:41 UTC
Of course Paige hasn't actually met her newest nephew yet, in fact she only found out about Chris a few weeks ago, so as she sees her sister with two children she literally runs over grinning like a loon.

"Wyatt!" she says happily crouching on the floor beside him then looking up at Piper and Chris, "I'm guessing this is our future whitelighter then?"


mommywitch May 25 2006, 18:41:28 UTC
Piper grins wide, stands up with Chris still on her hip and hugs Paige as best she can.

Pulling Chris towards his Aunt, "Yes, this is Chris."

Wyatt grins and reaches to picked up by his Auntie Paige.


the4thsister May 25 2006, 18:46:40 UTC
Paige is still grinning widely at Chris and she picks up Wyatt with a small 'humph'.

"Don't worry Wyatt, I've not forgotten you," she assures him holding on to him tightly, "I'm so happy to see them here, they're one of the things I miss most being here."


mommywitch May 25 2006, 18:52:32 UTC
Wyatt touches Paige's nose and the ends of her hair lightly.

Chris reaches towards Paige..or maybe his brother?
..Probably Paige.

Piper smerks.
"Looks like you've got a fan club, Aunt Paige."


the4thsister May 25 2006, 18:56:48 UTC
Paige laughs slightly as Wyatt touches her then holds out a finger for Chris to grab, it's safe to say this is probably the happiest Paige has been in a very long time.

"Well of course, they know a good thing when they see it!" she replies happily, adjusting Wyatt slightly so she has a better hold on him.

"This is really great, having you all here you know, I'm glad everything's worked out okay for us."


mommywitch May 25 2006, 19:09:22 UTC
Piper laughs.
"Yes, they do."

Chris, realizing that Auntie Paige isn't going to take him, starts wiggling again. Down, down, down...

Wistfully, "I wish Leo were here."
She adjusts Chris, trying to keep hold of him.

Wyatt is playing with Paige's ears now.


the4thsister May 25 2006, 19:16:00 UTC
"Shall we go sit down? Then Chris can be realised!" she says gesturing towards a booth and looking at Wyatt out of the corner of her eye, "hey if you pull my earrings out you'd better not lose 'em buddy!" she tells him in an amused tone.

"Hey none of us came here by choice, maybe he'll just show up one day." she suggests, "and at least you have him back home, he is still there right?"


mommywitch May 25 2006, 23:34:42 UTC
Wyatt looks at Auntie Paige like Why, you think that I would pull on your earrings? SURELY you jest.

Piper grins slightly. "Yes, and it is wonderful to have him home again."
Nodding she heads over towards a booth, placing Chris in before sitting down herself.

Chris grins and babbles and starts pounding on the table, proud of the noise.


the4thsister May 25 2006, 23:50:32 UTC
Paige puts Wyatt into the booth first also and slides in after him.

"You know I think this calls for ice cream!" she says looking at her two nephews grinning again, before calling over a waitrat "that's okay right mom?"


mommywitch May 26 2006, 01:20:12 UTC
Piper raises an eyebrow.
"Oh sure - especially if you get them when they get wired on the all the sugar."

Wyatt's eyes brigten at the mention of ice cream. He doesn't get it that often (and usually it's sneaked to him when Mommy isn't around), but he DOES know what it is.

Chris, however, hasn't had it enough to connect the words with the loveliness that is icecream. Instead he's decided to travel into the dark secret place that is the underside of the table.

He pokes them.


the4thsister May 26 2006, 14:02:56 UTC
"I can handle that!" Paige says confidently, she's too excited seeing her nephews to actually think about what that means. Then orders 2 rocky roads for them with every intention of stealing some herself.

"He's so big now!" she says in awe looking at Wyatt but talking to Piper before she ducks her head under the table to check on Chris, "you want me to orb him back up here?" she asks


mommywitch May 26 2006, 14:08:30 UTC
And just as she says that Wyatt kicks Chris for being annoying and Chris starts to cry.

Piper immediatly reaches under the table and pulls Chris into her arms and bouncing him slightly.
It's okay, you're okay."

In her ScaryMommy voice, Wyatt. You do not kick your little brother."

Wyatt fiddles with his hands.


the4thsister May 26 2006, 14:16:24 UTC
Paige also looks a little unimpressed by Wyatt's behaviour, "Hey you know better than that Wyatt, you're part whitelighter!" she tells him pulling him on to her knee as the rat arrives with the ice cream.

"Chris doesn't have any powers then?" she asks pushing a bowl over to them both.


mommywitch May 26 2006, 14:22:10 UTC
Piper shakes his head and continues soothing the bebe.
"No, not yet."

That SHE knows of at least. Wyatt knows different.

"Hey, Chris, look what Auntie Paige brought for you!"
The red tear stained eyes look up at her as she dips a spoon into the icecream and offers it to him.
"Ice cream!"


the4thsister May 26 2006, 14:29:00 UTC
Paige smiles, "Ice cream, makes everything better!" she assures him taking a spoonful from the bowl in front on her and Wyatt before the spoon is orbed out of her hands into Wyatt's.


mommywitch May 26 2006, 14:34:26 UTC
Stern, "Wyatt. Give the spoon back to Aunt Paige."

She offers some ice cream to Chis. His eyes open wide, and alllll problems are forgotten. EEE GOOD MORE.


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