
May 23, 2006 12:59

There is a gargoyle pacing the length of the bar, head down the entire way until he comes to the wall where a door should be. Then he stands and regards it before turning and making another lap in his pacing ( Read more... )

sara sidle, arithon, alexander knox, goliath, hale, windows 95, ray stantz

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gone_byebye May 23 2006, 19:56:21 UTC
Ray looks up from his table and his copy of Tobin's, glancing around in hopes of catching a wait-rat's eye. This does not happen, largely because Ray sometimes has the attention span of your average gnat.

And, well- large, er.... lavender fellow. With wings.



stone_warrior May 23 2006, 20:10:24 UTC
Goliath gives up on his pacing and is overlooking the bar, still trying to understand where he is at. Ray's staring doesn't catch his eye so much as the moving book he has with him.

Striding over he looks at the book on the table and then at Ray, "Are you a sorcerer?"


gone_byebye May 23 2006, 20:14:03 UTC
"Not last time I checked, but I've worked with a few along the way," Ray says. "You probably want Garion- he tends Bar sometimes. And a friend of mine has a little bit of skill with magic and spirits. Can I help you?"


stone_warrior May 23 2006, 20:19:46 UTC
Goliath frowns, "No. I was told someone with magic might be able to help, I thought with the book..."

He takes a step back, "I'm sorry."


gone_byebye May 23 2006, 20:22:49 UTC
Ray waves a hand. "It's all right. My name's Ray Stantz. I'm a Ghostbuster- I study this kind of stuff for a living, but I myself am about as magical as a trout. Either you're new here or you came in while I was in the infirmary, am I right?"


stone_warrior May 23 2006, 20:39:03 UTC
"Last night." He nods, "My name is Goliath. What...what is a Ghost buster?"


gone_byebye May 23 2006, 20:43:44 UTC
"My version of New York City has an unfortunate number of ghosts, spirits, and other really unpleasant supernatural beings," Ray says. "It's my job to protect people from them, or make arrangements for the dead to move on if they're only bothering the living because of a misunderstanding. And sometimes just to investigate what's causing the ghosts or magic or whatever to happen, because some people don't want it removed- just understood. Which is fine with me."


stone_warrior May 23 2006, 20:48:55 UTC
"Ah, a protector." Goliath nods, "It is the duty of my kind to do much the same. Though...not from spirits and the like. But there was a sorcerer, the Archmage, and we put a stop to him and his evil."


gone_byebye May 23 2006, 20:52:52 UTC
Ray grins. "Pretty much," he says. "I used to be a professor- a teacher at a university- but this is what I do now. I take it the Archmage was pretty dangerous,huh?"


stone_warrior May 23 2006, 20:57:16 UTC
"Yes, even more so when he had the Grimorum." Goliath nods gravely.


gone_byebye May 23 2006, 21:01:05 UTC
Ray gives this some thought, and his brain does some quick cross-patching. Ia, ia, Cthulhu fhtaghn...

"Major book of spells?" he guesses. "Those are almost never good news when they turn up."


stone_warrior May 23 2006, 21:02:49 UTC
"Spells, curses, very dangerous especially in the wrong hands." Or in good hands really as Goliath knows first hand. "This...isn't one is it?" He asks pointing at the book by Ray.


gone_byebye May 23 2006, 21:11:55 UTC
"No, this is a reference volume called Tobin's Spirit Guide," Ray says. He flips the book open to a page near the middle, sliding it across for the other to see. The entry is on the leshiiy of Russia, including several carefully inked illustrations of the legendary forms of the spirits in question. "It helps to know what you might be going up against, or what might have a bone to pick with you. Or how best to approach a spirit with respect, since some of them have a different idea of manners from humans."


stone_warrior May 23 2006, 21:15:45 UTC
He looks at the book and pictures and nods, "Research. I have a fondness for books myself, though most are just leisure when I have the chance."


gone_byebye May 23 2006, 21:18:12 UTC
"Guardian work must keep you pretty busy," Ray says. "What languages do you read? There's a spell on the Bar that allows people to understand each other's spoken languages no matter when or where they're from, but it doesn't always extend to the written word."


stone_warrior May 23 2006, 21:21:11 UTC
"It does, especially in a city as big as New York." Goliath nods. "English and old, some latin. I am trying to learn a few more but, as has been said, time doesn't always allow it."


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