
May 12, 2006 23:00

Once there was a peaceful bar,
full of many peaceful patrons.
Until one day there came a dragon-man.
Burninating up all the patrons.

And he was TROGDOR
And he was INNA BAR

But he is always TROGDOR!

trogdor, rilian, raptor red

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cardboard_tube May 13 2006, 03:36:21 UTC


This calls for--



consummate_vs May 13 2006, 03:40:48 UTC
Do not attack the Dragon-Man young man-man! You will lose and be BURNINATED!


cardboard_tube May 13 2006, 03:46:34 UTC
But not the tube! Anything but the tube!

"Fear not, patrons of Milliways! I shall slay this demon and rid the bar of its evil!"

It's funny how the samurai looks and sounds almost exactly like Gabe BUT TOTALLY ISN'T.

"Will you face me, O Evil Demon? I, who hold the VERY REINS OF THE WORLD?"


consummate_vs May 13 2006, 03:48:18 UTC
"You do not hold the reins of the world!"

He doesn't! Trogdor does not see them.


cardboard_tube May 13 2006, 03:52:25 UTC
"You doubt me? Beings have been foolish enough for that before.


"But I have taught them to fear my tube, the Famine-Of-Winter, the Autumn-Razor, the Waking-Dragon -- as I shall teach you!"


consummate_vs May 13 2006, 03:53:38 UTC
"Your tube! Hah!"

The tube looks BURNABLE! But there is a bar around. WHAT IS A TROGDOR TO DO.


cardboard_tube May 13 2006, 04:01:48 UTC
It is perhaps this very bar that gives the Cardboard Tube Samurai the confidence to smirk.

Apart from the bit where he'd do that anyway.

He brandishes the tube again before lowering it graciously, and gives Trogdor a LONG HARD STARE. It's a very frightening LONG HARD STARE. Stronger men have run away screaming like little girls from this LONG HARD STARE.

"That is correct. My tube. Are you aware, then, of its POWER?"


consummate_vs May 13 2006, 04:08:30 UTC
Trogdor does not back down to LONG HARD STARES! He was once stared at by the Queen of England and won!


cardboard_tube May 13 2006, 04:14:31 UTC
The Cardboard Tube Samurai can do staring contests!

But he is better at Go. Does Trogdor perhaps want a good game of Go?


consummate_vs May 13 2006, 04:38:57 UTC
Trogdor does not know this game Go. Does it involve DEATH AND DESTRUCTION?


cardboard_tube May 13 2006, 04:44:26 UTC
There is perhaps in a far-off region somewhere over the horizon, a small subset of rules that involve invoking such DEATH AND DESTRUCTION upon losing stones.

But not commonly, no.


consummate_vs May 13 2006, 04:58:00 UTC
Then Trogdor will have none of that game!

And, because narration should always meld into dialogue.

"Then a fight to the death!"


cardboard_tube May 13 2006, 05:06:35 UTC
"I accept!"

He brandishes the tube again.

Then glances round subtly and adds, "But I will not risk the lives of these good patrons I have sworn to defend, nor dishonor such a hallowed place even by conquering evil within its walls."

And he points the tube towards the lake door.


consummate_vs May 13 2006, 05:09:17 UTC
Trogdor accepts!

But his stomach does not. There is a loud growling, and it's not from his mouth.


cardboard_tube May 13 2006, 05:11:40 UTC
:O! goes Gabe the Cardboard Tube Samurai.

And he leaps back, holding the tube up in front of him to guard against fire or BEING EATEN BY DRAGON-MEN.

"I am not sustenance!"


consummate_vs May 13 2006, 05:14:57 UTC
"No you are not! You are far too stringy!"


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