(no subject)

May 07, 2006 00:08

There is a note left for Bernard with the bar.

Mr Wrangle,

As Blodwen Rowlands is approaching the halfway mark of her fortnight's incarceration, I have a question to put to you. Do you believe that it would be helpful if I spoke to the bar's Security staff as a whole about her, some sort of question-and-answer session to ensure that we are all on the same page, so to speak, about her?

On second thought, I will rephrase that last sentence.

I would like to speak to the bar's Security staff about her. All of them, if possible, or as many as can be spared at one time. And I would like to do so at the earliest possible opportunity, before she is set free into the bar and its environs again. I have been made aware of a few facts that would be of the greatest concern to anyone who is bound to uphold the rules of this place, and I think it only proper to inform any who might have to deal with her in future what she is capable of doing.

I remain,
M. Lyon

notes, merriman lyon

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