(no subject)

May 05, 2006 12:38

The door opens, and four men in matte black Mark III Katarn armor walk through. They're each carrying BlasTech DC-17m blaster rifles and their helmeted heads are nodding as if in conversation, though there is no audible noise.

All four of them stop just inside the entrance, blue helmet lights scanning the room in surprise.

This? Is not a part of the Fearless they are familiar with. It looks more like a bar on Coruscant than the ship's mess, unless someone's done a lot of redecorating.

Welcome to Milliways, Omega Squad.

[ooc: decided against the big doomful explodey entrance, so they're peaceful right now if a bit confused. Four clones, four muns. If you want someone specifically ( Atin, Darman, Fi or Niner) then say so, otherwise you'll be tagged by whoever wants it the most. individual muns may have to slowtime in three or four hours.]

niner, sam linnfer, lando calrissian, she-hulk, qui-gon jinn, darman, illyana rasputin, terrorsaur

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