Multi-Pup Exit Posts

Apr 21, 2006 11:03

(Millitimed to a few days ago)
Milliways was a way station. That was something easily forgotten with the wonder, and strangeness of the place. You feel compelled to stay, but it was time to move on. Or go home.

Dana had finished getting everything together. Diaper bag, stroller with Maria securely in it. Peter said he'd meet them back home, so she wasn't worried. It was a strange place, too strange for her really. But it seemed to have helped him somehow. So there was just a brief sentence of thanks before she opened the door, and stepped back to their place. There was the brief glimpse of a tow-headed toddler careening over to see his mom and his new baby sister before the door closed behind them.


Errol Partridge knew well this was not the final place for him. And when he saw the door appear, that seemed to confirm it. Time to move on. He walked over to open the door. There were notes left.
Mary, I've gone home. You'll know where I mean.
John, I'm sorry, but I'm glad you finally found yourself. It's your world now, and your children's. Help them learn not to make the same mistakes as we did this time.
Laini, thank you for everything in this short time I had.
He opened the door, and there was bright light shining on the other side. Beautiful, even more than any poem can hope to compare the sight.

Moments later, there was nothing but the door closing smoothly.


Todd Anderson saw the door recently again. He had pondered about it, but realized it seemed right. He'd go back, and tell their stories, all their stories. There were notes left for his friends.
For his boss, Suti, Sorry, I won't be able to stay and help with the rest of the planting. Going home. Hope you understand, and thank you for all your help.
The other Dead Poets recieved, a brief note, Off to seize the day. See you on the other side.
The note for Neil was much harder to write.
Neil, I love you. I've found you before. I'll do so again, whether it's here, or afterwards. I finally figured it out, my story. Our story. Your lion's gone back to roar. They'll hear about us. All of it. I'll look for you among the lights. He opened the door, and it was Welton again, but now it was outside, near the lake. He wasn't afraid anymore.

"Carpe diem," he smiled as he walked through, and the door shut behind him.

todd anderson, dana barrett, exit post, errol partridge

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