
Apr 19, 2006 19:29

There is a small... thing attempting the danger-ridden ascent to the top of a Milliways barstool.

Sadly, she is finding, her tail is not prehensile. Not that Ducky is familiar with the word 'prehensile,' and at least it is a helpful bracer in the trickier spots.

Is it YOUR barstool?

[OOC: Because this is surely the anti-doom, y'all. Have at!]

ducky, guppy sandhu, sameth

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mysterious_seed April 19 2006, 19:08:57 UTC
There is another reptilian creature in the bar that does have prehensile appendages. Without warning, Ducky finds that two whip-like vines have gently encircled her, and are depositing her safely on top of the barstool. After releasing her, the vines shoot up to wrap around a rafter, and as the retract their owner slowly rises from the floor to settle one barstool over.

"Bulbasaur, saur," says the turquoise beastie, garnet eyes crinkled in a smile of greeting.


duck_bill April 19 2006, 19:12:14 UTC


"...Hello! Thank you very much!"


mysterious_seed April 19 2006, 19:21:06 UTC
"Saursasaur," it replies, politely. The pokémon then turns to the Bar, addressing it in a friendly fashion. "Bulbasaursaur, bulba, bulbasaur." A pile of what appears to be Elven jerked meat appears before it, and Bulbasaur begins to munch happily. Pausing for a moment, it looks at the wee dinosaur.

"Saursa-saur saur, bulbasaur?" It asks, nudging a piece of jerky in her direction with its nose.


duck_bill April 19 2006, 19:25:21 UTC
Ducky blinks at it in curiosity.

The strange language doesn't worry her. Some dinsours cannot talk properly, or at all back in the Great Valley.

"You eat it? It looks very funny."


mysterious_seed April 19 2006, 19:30:05 UTC
Bulbasaur chews a bit more, considering this. It has eaten many funny-looking things before, including rice-balls that the trainers around it insisted on calling doughnuts. It takes another bite.

"Saursaur, bulba," it says, with what passes for a shrug. "Bulbasaur, bulba?"


duck_bill April 19 2006, 19:34:30 UTC

She pokes it again. It doesn't smell like anything she would ever eat.

"Maybe you should have it all. But thank you very much."


mysterious_seed April 19 2006, 19:47:58 UTC
"Saur." It munches a bit more, feeling a bit unsettled. After all, it's not polite to eat in front of someone who's not having anything.

Aha! Idea! A vine snakes out from the base of the bulb on it's back, snatching an apple from the bowl of fruit that rests on a nearby table. Bulbasaur tosses the apple into the air, and a pair of razor-edged leaves shoot out, slicing the fruit into neat quarters. It manages to catch three of the slices with its vines before the hit the floor - the fourth bit isn't so fortunate.

Depositing the first three pieces of apple on the Bar in front of Ducky, it retrieves the fourth and eyes it skeptically.

"Saur, bulba?"


duck_bill April 19 2006, 19:49:41 UTC
Ducky stares.


That right there? Just went into the records for Coolest Thing of All Time.

"That was amazing!"


mysterious_seed April 19 2006, 20:00:14 UTC
"Saur?" Bulbasaur looks surprised. It wouldn't have thought that a pokémon that could do humanspeak would be terribly impressed with a simple VineWhip/RazorLeaf combination. But then, pokémon that talked like humans seemed to be more common around here than it was used to.

But then the big blue guy had actually been human, so that probably didn't count. It this one human too? It leans closer for a quick snuffle, then blinks. Nope.

Maybe this is just a very low-level pokémon, that hasn't been trained very much. It definitely looks like a pre-evolved form.

"Saursaur bulba, bulba?" it asks.


duck_bill April 19 2006, 20:04:32 UTC
Ducky has a kind of worshipful gaze of awe on her face.

"Can all things like you do that?" she asks.

Language barrier? Pfft.


mysterious_seed April 19 2006, 20:12:30 UTC
What, things like Ducky can't? Maybe it's a water-type.

"Saursaur bulbasaur, bul'sa-saur. Bulba bulbasasaur, bulbasaur?" It proffers the apple slice again.


duck_bill April 19 2006, 20:18:53 UTC
Ducky beams and accepts the apple.

Water-based she is, but mostly when it comes to swimming in it.

"Thank you!"


mysterious_seed April 19 2006, 20:27:50 UTC

Its companion appropriately provisioned, Bulbasaur feels that it can turn its attention back to slightly smaller pile of jerkey. Once it begins to munch in earnest, said pile diminishes quickly. It talks to Bar again.

"Saursaur, bul'saur, saur." Coffee appears this time. It looks at Ducky inquiringly.


duck_bill April 19 2006, 20:36:42 UTC
Ducky examines the coffee with interest.

It smells... interesting. Enticingly so.

"Is it nice?"


mysterious_seed April 19 2006, 20:47:29 UTC
"Saur." Bulbasaur thinks so, but then Bulbasaur likes some strange stuff.

[OOC: Homegoing-time. Is slowtime okay?]


duck_bill April 19 2006, 20:58:40 UTC
Then maybe Ducky will try some...

Bar, possibly helpfully, possibly not, produces a Ducky-sized cup.

[OOC: Absolutely fine. Seeya!]


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