"Oh, sure- hi, Egon," Ray says; he's never really been one for observing the conventions of sentence order if it didn't suit his purposes. "You don't mind that I was testing the philotic portal again, do you? I didn't change any of the settings. It just popped me through to here."
He gets to the Bar, and comes back with ... okay, not the green stuff. This Ray doesn't drink the green stuff. He does, however, have a regrettable fondness for Welch's Grape Soda, which can probably be smelled as he heads over to sit down at Egon's table.
"Not at all. Although I came here through the back closet door, myself." he does have a glass of That Other Ray's Green Stuff, however, and a bacon, taylor-ham and cheese sandwich.
"I apologize for not mentioning it. I wasn't quite sure it would work."
"That's okay. I just figured I'd give it a shot. At some point I should probably go upstairs and see if I've left myself a note, though. Just in case." He grins. "So were you planning to come here?"
"I had been hoping," Egon notes. "I spent two months here a couple of seconds of Christmas Eve." Oh, yeah, that story hasn't been told, mostly because it would have resulted in Peter giving him that ridiculously irritating look.
Ray blinks a few times. "During the- you know- huh. Well, that'd certainly explain those weird recorded readings, then," he says. "What happened while you were here, anyway?"
"Yes. In the eight milliseconds between touching the exit and actually exiting, I came here. I spent time doing things I rarely did before, Ray. Relaxing. Reading. Some interesting research in the PK fields of the bar - I have a five foot by five foot grid of the main area with the average fields of those grid areas - I left it with your counterpart just in case it was needed. It was a fascinating experience, quite honestly."
This gets some consideration. "We're going to have to compare notes at some point," he says eventually. "Mine, yours, and other-me's. Between the three of us we could probably come up with one heck of a synergistic unified theory of PKE operations in the area, if not something that goes a long way towards explaining the weird dimensional bubbling."
"That would be fairly interesting to do." Egon takes a drink of the liquid, which seems to move on its own just a little. "I did some interesting work in here. Apparently in some places the PK fields are so malleable that a simple Kabalistic incantation can synchronize with a person's personal PKE field."
"Also, your counterpart has an associate who appears to be some kind of fused construct of human and PKE. I didn't get the chance I wanted to examine him too deeply, as his less-than-pleasant mental side was active."
All versions of Ray have a default setting of 'easily distracted'. Agent Rho had to have that trained out of him over the course of years, and the Ray who normally frequents the bar- well, he still has that trouble every so often, though he tries not to. This one? No defenses at all. "Um," he says. "Construct? How did that happen? The last time I read about anything like that, it was a purely hypothetical proposal in the Closing Words column of Who's Who and What's That?. And what the heck are you drinking?"
Egon rubs his eyes.
"Raymond," he says, rising to his feet, "you're not the one I expected." He moves some things around. "Once you have something, please join me."
He gets to the Bar, and comes back with ... okay, not the green stuff. This Ray doesn't drink the green stuff. He does, however, have a regrettable fondness for Welch's Grape Soda, which can probably be smelled as he heads over to sit down at Egon's table.
"I apologize for not mentioning it. I wasn't quite sure it would work."
"Also, your counterpart has an associate who appears to be some kind of fused construct of human and PKE. I didn't get the chance I wanted to examine him too deeply, as his less-than-pleasant mental side was active."
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