Apr 16, 2006 01:00
The door opens, and a tall man with absurd hair walks in. He looks around, and smiles. It is, in fact, a rather interesting smile, because it's on a face well-suited to dour looks and piercing gazes. "Ah," he says quietly, "I had been wondering." The door closes behind him, and he turns around, raising an eyebrow. There is a brief rap at the door, as if to assure himself of its reality, and then walks over to the Bar.
"I apologize profusely. Please, accept this." A brick of a dull-white metal is placed on the Bar gently, and hopefully the ten-pound bar of manganese is accepted towards his tab. He also lays down a credit card. "Heretofore, or if that is not acceptable, please debit from this account forthwith. I will sign whatever is required."
That requirement accomplished, Egon obtains a glass of Ray's Drink, and moves to sit down. he doesn't realize he's got no chance of meeting Ray tonight, but who knows who else might drop by?