
Apr 13, 2006 21:13

He wanders over to Bar, requesting a large mug of black coffee and a book on obscure Nepalese religious sects. Armed with this, he makes his way to his usual table and somehow manages to curl up on the chair, flipping idly through his book and occasionally murmuring to himself about the mistakes in the texts and the need for a red pen to correct ( Read more... )

sam linnfer, guppy sandhu

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guppy_sandhu April 13 2006, 20:58:38 UTC
Somewhere nearby, there is an irritated "Sod this" and a screwed up form is hurled past Sam into the fire.

Looks like he's not the only one who's bored.


necessary_child April 13 2006, 21:04:29 UTC
(OOC: I'm sorry, your icon keeps distracting me. I've never seen Casualty or Holby City, but damned if that boy isn't pretty.)

Sam grins over at Guppy. "Bored as well?"


guppy_sandhu April 13 2006, 21:10:30 UTC
[ooc: *grins* Agreed, I would date him any day of the week]

Guppy returns the grin. "Yeah. Are you buried under with paperwork too?"


necessary_child April 13 2006, 21:14:23 UTC
"Nah. Just stuck here without any of my usual distractions." He offers his hand. "I'm Sam."


guppy_sandhu April 13 2006, 21:20:11 UTC
"Guppy, nice to meet you."

He shakes the hand.

"I guess even filling in an incident report form about patients being glued to toilet seats beats nothing."


necessary_child April 13 2006, 21:23:01 UTC
He chuckles. "Patients being glued to toilet seats?"


guppy_sandhu April 13 2006, 21:33:38 UTC
He nods, a slight look of frustration on his features.

"We've had fourteen people affected so far. One of them was one of my patients for something else, and now I have to fill in this stupid form... the one I just burned."


necessary_child April 13 2006, 21:36:26 UTC
(OOC.: Icons... so... prettily... distracting... Damnit.)

He looks over at the fire, concentrating intently; after a few seconds the form comes flying over to them. He takes it out of the air and hands the gently-smoking paper to Guppy with a smile. "This form?"


guppy_sandhu April 13 2006, 21:41:44 UTC
Guppy nods. "Yes, thanks. I really shouldn't have done that."

He tries to flatten it out.

"I don't suppose you have any ideas how to prevent people gluing patients to toilets?"


necessary_child April 13 2006, 21:44:20 UTC
He laughs. "Not offhand... You might want to suggest putting up warning signs? Other than that, I suppose you could organise some kind of patrol scheme to try to catch whoever it is?"


guppy_sandhu April 13 2006, 21:51:34 UTC
"Ooh, good idea." He writes 'Warning signs' in the box.

"Thanks. Shows what sort of idiot I am thinking of everything from specially heated toilets to eschorting patients."


necessary_child April 13 2006, 21:54:31 UTC
Sam laughs. "No problem. But some people will probably assume the signs to be a joke, so you might want to do something about finding out who it is, too."


guppy_sandhu April 13 2006, 22:00:31 UTC
"Hm, good point. But that's Nathan Bloody Spencer's problem." He looks up with a slightly malicious grin in order to give a wider range of pretty icons. "Our resident beaurocrat."


necessary_child April 13 2006, 22:03:03 UTC
Sam nods. "I've got a half-brother like that. Bloody rules and regulations coming out of his ears."


guppy_sandhu April 13 2006, 22:12:41 UTC
"The man's ridiculous. He's trying to cut down spending on blood for goodness sakes."

He shakes his head. "What does your half-brother do? Is he a wizard?"


necessary_child April 13 2006, 22:20:00 UTC
Sam considers him for a moment. "No. Not exactly. He's... a librarian, mostly. And he happens to be one of the few members of my very extended family that I actually like. Not that that stops him occasionally being annoying."


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