
Apr 11, 2006 21:30

Cywyllog is in her usual place by the fire, sipping a glass of wine. There's a book beside her, but she's mostly ignoring it. Stupid Latin.

Otherwise, she wouldn't go so far as to say she's in a good mood, but she's not in a bad one, either.

cywyllog, elaine le blanke

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maid_of_astolat April 12 2006, 02:04:57 UTC
"Good even, Cywyllog. Might I get you something tonight?" She smiles pleasantly at the other woman.


cywyllog April 12 2006, 02:09:10 UTC
"Hello, Elaine." Cywyllog offers a small smile back. "I think I am all right for now. How have you been?"


maid_of_astolat April 12 2006, 02:11:53 UTC
"I have been well. I am sorry I have not seen you for quite some time. How have you been lately?"


cywyllog April 12 2006, 02:26:35 UTC
"Oh, well, there was a bit of a rough patch, but things have sorted out." She smooths her skirt out.


maid_of_astolat April 12 2006, 02:27:53 UTC
"Are your boys still here?" She remembers meeting the little ones at some point.


cywyllog April 12 2006, 02:38:49 UTC
"Well, that depends." She sighs softly. "I took them home, but they seem to have returned older, about fourteen years old. It is rather odd."


maid_of_astolat April 12 2006, 02:41:53 UTC
"Oh dear. That does seem odd. Though...interesting, to see them so much older."


cywyllog April 12 2006, 02:43:46 UTC
"I have only met them one time each." Cywyllog shakes her head a little. "They seemed sad."


maid_of_astolat April 12 2006, 02:49:00 UTC
"Sad?" She frowns. "How difficult for you to see that," she says sympathetically.


cywyllog April 12 2006, 03:03:41 UTC
"I did not know how to act." Another sigh.

I know you will be kind to them if you see them."


maid_of_astolat April 12 2006, 03:04:42 UTC
"I most definitely shall, of course," she says with a smile.


cywyllog April 12 2006, 03:08:46 UTC
"You are a good woman, Elaine. Your husband must be very glad he met you."


maid_of_astolat April 12 2006, 03:09:26 UTC
"I hope he is. We've been together a year tomorrow. He seems to be quite content, indeed."


cywyllog April 12 2006, 03:20:52 UTC
"Have you? I wish you a happy anniversary then. Do you have any special plans?"


maid_of_astolat April 12 2006, 03:28:19 UTC
"I am sending David to stay with a young friend of mine for the evening, and we shall do something special, most likely at home." She smiles.


cywyllog April 12 2006, 03:39:19 UTC
She nods. "It is nice to spend a quiet evening to celebrate such things. I never enjoyed the large dinners we have to endure at home."


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